Vancouver rioters turn over truck, mob attacks the owner.

"... CTV senior reporter Rob Brown captures exclusive video of Stanley Cup rioters damaging a truck and attacking a man who tried to prevent the incident on Georgia Street in Downtown Vancouver on Wednesday, June 15, 2011..."


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Well, I can't upvote this because it just makes me sick to my stomach that idiots took over Vancouver's downtown and trashed it. As someone from BC, it pains me to have to see this stuff. I feel like the victim as do most of the people of Vancouver.

Kudos to the guy who tried to stop them and Jeers to the crowd for not standing with him!


You know, in hindsight I'm sure I would have regretted it... but if that was my truck and I was there? I'd punch the switch into 4H and give out a bit of road rash and street pizza to everyone in front of me... if you're not part of the solution, you're traction material.


>> ^Payback:

You know, in hindsight I'm sure I would have regretted it... but if that was my truck and I was there? I'd punch the switch into 4H and give out a bit of road rash and street pizza to everyone in front of me... if you're not part of the solution, you're traction material.

And you wouldn't care if they sue you with multiple lawsuits?


@ant @Kofi

Hobbes argues humanity's natural state is "war against all" with "no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time; no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear, and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."


>> ^ant:

>> ^Payback:
You know, in hindsight I'm sure I would have regretted it... but if that was my truck and I was there? I'd punch the switch into 4H and give out a bit of road rash and street pizza to everyone in front of me... if you're not part of the solution, you're traction material.

And you wouldn't care if they sue you with multiple lawsuits?

Well... that's the neat thing about BC vehicle insurance. It's what's called a "crown corporation", basically a for-profit company controlled by the government. It means we have limited choice in insurance, but oddly, because our elected officials have to get insurance too, the rates stay low (oddly enough, ICBC still makes a solid profit... hmmm?).

Now, as for my little diatribe, which was mostly hyperbole and chest thumping. Should one decide to perpetrate what I described, BC law forces the plantiffs to either sue the driver directly (getting less than dick) OR sue/settle with ICBC (for guaranteed thousands). Not both. I would think most people would go for the guaranteed cash, rather than try to get blood out of a stone.

Another plus, if it was considered only one incident... my discount of 43% (safe driver) would go down to 0%, and, due to the already low insurance rates, I'd pay like $350 more than my previous 43% over 4 years, then I'd be back at 43%.

Also, there would be arguably enough evidence for self-defence to keep me out of jail. So it'd be win-win for everyone. I doubt I'd kill anyone, I'd only be going slightly faster than human sprinting speed.


I don't mean deaths. I meant injuries to the riotters.

>> ^Payback:

>> ^ant:
>> ^Payback:
You know, in hindsight I'm sure I would have regretted it... but if that was my truck and I was there? I'd punch the switch into 4H and give out a bit of road rash and street pizza to everyone in front of me... if you're not part of the solution, you're traction material.

And you wouldn't care if they sue you with multiple lawsuits?

Well... that's the neat thing about BC vehicle insurance. It's what's called a "crown corporation", basically a for-profit company controlled by the government. It means we have limited choice in insurance, but oddly, because our elected officials have to get insurance too, the rates stay low (oddly enough, ICBC still makes a solid profit... hmmm?).
Now, as for my little diatribe, which was mostly hyperbole and chest thumping. Should one decide to perpetrate what I described, BC law forces the plantiffs to either sue the driver directly (getting less than dick) OR sue/settle with ICBC (for guaranteed thousands). Not both. I would think most people would go for the guaranteed cash, rather than try to get blood out of a stone.
Another plus, if it was considered only one incident... my discount of 43% (safe driver) would go down to 0%, and, due to the already low insurance rates, I'd pay like $350 more than my previous 43% over 4 years, then I'd be back at 43%.
Also, there would be arguably enough evidence for self-defence to keep me out of jail. So it'd be win-win for everyone. I doubt I'd kill anyone, I'd only be going slightly faster than human sprinting speed.

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