Unreal Cheerleader Acrobatics

Via Neatorama: "You are about to watch young men and women perform stunts that were once only seen in circuses.... A recent study in the Journal of Pediatrics confirmed a trend that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport for female Americans."

Can't wait for the movie.

"Cheerin': Jazz Hands in the streets!"
A sheltered and straightlaced collegiate cheerleader discovers the underground street Cheerin' scene. She falls in love with mildly ethnic bad boy Alonzo, who shows her what it's like to 'get real with it'. But is love enough to overcome the disapproval of her friends and the challenge of the street? Can the rigid and intolerant collegiate cheerleading establishment handle her new found urban flare?


It is true for the most part. I have friends who were cheerleaders and now are coaches and they are gay and most of the males they coach are gay. It doesn't matter in the long run. It's akin to how men with hardened skulls are attracted to football. Still amazing.


Do people still really think that? It sounds so 25 years ago.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these guys were also b-boys. In fact, that would actually be awesome to see this level of acrobatics and control added to a breakdance team routine.

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