UFO spotted in Somerset

Any guesses as to what this might be?

This is what I love about videos like this. Which is more likely? A long, black balloon? Or a spaceship from another planet that has somehow managed to break the laws of physics and travel an unbelievable distance to earth and NOT make contact with us?

It is just astounding that if you show this video to a UFO freak he will unilaterally accept option B as the "obvious" choice.

Along these lines are the "orbs" which have repeattedly been debunked as artifacts cause by light, being out of focus and dust particles, and yet people are quite convinced that they are ghosts, ufos, other paranormal phenomenon...

UFOs are in my opinion just like any other religion. People buy into it and see what they want to see and there is usually nothing you can say, do, or prove with actual science to convince them otherwise.


>> ^charliem:
Looks like a high altitude scientific balloon.
They get really elongated like is shown in the video when they reach near their ceiling height.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that thing is no where near it's "ceiling height". If it was, that man would not be able to get it on his camera.
Airplanes fly at 30.000, these things are around 60,000 - 120,000 feet.

From the page you linked to;
"These balloons are launched into what is termed "near space" - the area of Earth's atmosphere where there is very little air,"

I'm not saying it's an alien spacecraft, but your explenation falls a bit short, or low if you prefer.


it looks like he's shooting the video through a window and seeing a small worm or bug on the glass. you can sometimes see glare and reflection from the glass as well (maybe just light hitting the lens). we don't really see the shape again after he moves away from the car either. feels fishy.


There are some common shapes of UFO's which ave been filmed. The "cigar-shape" as this seems to be is quite common. In 2008 there were numerous UFO sightings in England, and I don't think this is a worm on any glass. He is clearly standing outside.


^Of course he's outside (my comment was a bit unclear on that point), but if someone is creating a hoax video (can't say that this one is for sure) how hard would it be to take a pane of glass or plastic and put something on there and hold it up in front of the camera? The shotty camera work doesn't lend any credence to its authenticity. You don't see the object after about :40 in to the video, and then he zooms the camera in a ton possibly allowing him to hand off the glass/plastic. Just an idea. It does appear that there may be a little bit of light shinning on the top edge of the object, perhaps it is just a shiny balloon.


>> ^ElJardinero:
>> ^charliem:
Looks like a high altitude scientific balloon.
They get really elongated like is shown in the video when they reach near their ceiling height.

Sorry to burst your bubble but that thing is no where near it's "ceiling height". If it was, that man would not be able to get it on his camera.
Airplanes fly at 30.000, these things are around 60,000 - 120,000 feet.
From the page you linked to;
"These balloons are launched into what is termed "near space" - the area of Earth's atmosphere where there is very little air,"
I'm not saying it's an alien spacecraft, but your explenation falls a bit short, or low if you prefer.

So downvote the comment for giving a plausible explanation ?
How do you know what the focal length of the camera that hes using is ?

Its an explanation, it may not be THE explanation, but its certainly more believable than an alien spaceship.

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