Trump Disavows Racists Over and Over Again - Media silent

Published on Aug 15, 2017
Watch Donald Trump disavow David Duke, the KKK and all racists, over and over again, dating back 17 years, while the liberal media keeps denying he did, and insists he must be a racist himself. Subscribe now for more videos every day, and I'll see you tomorrow!

Oh Bob...
You know this is schlock. It's not that he never said the words, it's that he only says it when forced, and never sincerely or without qualifications, and cannot seem to do it without reading a prepared script he obviously didn't write. Whenever he speaks from the heart, he's condoning, excusing, and encouraging the hate groups.
He rejected Duke after getting a week of negative press and sliding in the polls during the campaign for not rejecting him, and tried to pretend he didn't know who David Duke was.
This time it's about not being able to single out actual murderous Nazis without lumping blm and similar groups in with them.
He has never said he doesn't want their vote, and they still say he's with them and is just saying what he has to right now to placate the liberal Jew media, and actions speak louder than words, and he's not taking action and is backing off his stern words.
Pretty sad when the president of the United States can't denounce Nazis without waiting days for the whole story (or even after getting it) or without spreading the blame for their attacks to his political enemies, but he can denounce, deride, and debase anyone that slights him personally in an instant even if he imagined the slight.


D'oh. Now his two councils of business leaders have disbanded.
They all understand, but Trump, and seemingly Bob are still in the dark about why his statements about Charlottesville and racists have fallen so incredibly flat.


So, @bobknight33 how was the weather in Charlottesville?

You're still avoiding answering any questions, I see. Easier to hide like a coward rather than face the fact you might be wrong I guess.

Do YOU support the marchers? Are you a member of any of the groups represented there? Clearly you support some racists, I'm just checking how far it goes. Where do you draw the line? Are Nazi slogans okay so long as you're on the right side of the barbed wire?


Unlike you I approve of no such behavior.

The Alt Left and Alt Right are way the fuck out of line.

We can thank Obama for the rise of the Alt Left which forces the Alt Right to spring into the spotlight to counter.


So, @bobknight33 how was the weather in Charlottesville?

You're still avoiding answering any questions, I see. Easier to hide like a coward rather than face the fact you might be wrong I guess.

Do YOU support the marchers? Are you a member of any of the groups represented there? Clearly you support some racists, I'm just checking how far it goes. Where do you draw the line? Are Nazi slogans okay so long as you're on the right side of the barbed wire?


the narrative that this rally wasn't about an uprising that trump created falls apart when the organizers are throwing around the N word and calling out Jews. Another organizer the racist david duke strongly praises trump all of the time; if you're marching next to the klan and nazis, you're part of it; you either say you're against it or you're for it; you don't get to waffle; the alt left (which I'm not sure is actually a thing other than a way to equivocate them as being as bad as the alt right) is fighting against nazis and the kkk and I support them pretty fully


Unlike you I approve of no such behavior.

The Alt Left and Alt Right are way the fuck out of line.

We can thank Obama for the rise of the Alt Left which forces the Alt Right to spring into the spotlight to counter.

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