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Top 10 Most Racist Live TV Moments


Someone call me a "Cracker"! I dare ya!

I'll reply with a vicious retort, such as "Well here, have some soup!" or "Well that was mighty White of ya!" or "My name ain't Jack, Jack!"


>> ^NetRunner:
I'd love to see the rest of the Hillary Clinton/White Supremacy clip...was that taken out of context?

Yes, yes it was. She was commenting on giving government funding vouchers to religious schools and home schooling and such, saying that is it okay to give money to a mainstream Jewish or Christian school, but what do you say to someone who wants a government grant to teach their kid something like "My interpretation of the bible is that Cain was marked with dark skin and therefore I believe in white supremacy." (I'm summarizing from memory. Hang on, I found a clip.)

I'm not necessarily a Hillary Clinton fan, but c'mon... She's not stupid enough to honestly say something as ridiculous as "I believe in white supremacy" at a podium.


I don't think 6 was racist. He's pointing out, correctly, that certain ethnic/cultural groups have much higher birth rates, and that's something that is generally good for a developed country.

5 wasn't that bad. 4 wasn't racist. 3 wasn't racist.


>> ^NetRunner:
This looks like just the Top 10 from the last year or so.
I'd love to see the rest of the Hillary Clinton/White Supremacy clip...was that taken out of context?

Yeah, it was. She was making analogies regarding Private School Vouchers.
It was a "what might happen if" kind of thing:

"First family that comes and says 'I want to send my daughter to St. Peter's Roman Catholic School' and you say 'Great, wonderful school, here's your voucher,'" Clinton said. "Next parent that comes and says, 'I want to send my child to the school of the Church of the White Supremacist ...' The parent says, 'The way that I read Genesis, Cain was marked, therefore I believe in white supremacy. ... You gave it to a Catholic parent, you gave it to a Jewish parent, under the Constitution, you can't discriminate against me.'"

As an adoring, if somewhat puzzled, audience of Bronx activists looked on, Clinton added, "So what if the next parent comes and says, 'I want to send my child to the School of the Jihad? ... I won't stand for it."


the world needs more racism. not less. and more open racism. the anti-racism racism is the most boring kind. we should go around throwing the worst possible language at each other because ffs, if anything i call you bothers you - you're the only one who can do anything to resolve your mental issue (ie. learn to get over it instead of expecting the rest of society to slap down a bully for you). serious about this.

discrimination of course should not be allowed, but trolling each other absolutely should be encouraged.


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