This Cover of Radiohead Song "Creep" is Amazing!!!

Radiohead - Creep (cover) by Daniela Andrade

>> ^gwiz665:

She sings just fine, but her guitar work is pretty basic.
Very cute though.

Yeah? Well the chord work for the tune as composed ain't rocket-science on the fretboard there wizzzy. Yeah, yeah, a few folks here have seen you play your guitar including myself and guess what?? Your own skills on the guitar come from rote and practice with very little soul or natural talent....

The showcase here anyhow, is her incredibly sincere and lilting voice and the SOUL that resides within her interpretation.

Soooo, thanks for the egotistical observations there,
MISTER Malmsteen!


>> ^chingalera:

>> ^gwiz665:
She sings just fine, but her guitar work is pretty basic.
Very cute though.

Yeah? Well the chord work for the tune as composed ain't rocket-science on the fretboard there wizzzy. Yeah, yeah, a few folks here have seen you play your guitar including myself and guess what?? Your own skills on the guitar come from rote and practice with very little soul or natural talent....
The showcase here anyhow, is her incredibly sincere and lilting voice and the SOUL that resides within her interpretation.
Soooo, thanks for the egotistical observations there,
MISTER Malmsteen!



I don't claim to evaluate the "soul" put into the music, I'm just saying that she doesn't seem particularly exceptional on the guitar. Her form seems awkward to me, but that comes with more experience.

It also seems as a bit of a put-on to have overly echoing vocals, but I suppose that's a matter of taste.

If this was a guy, it wouldn't have 5 votes, not that I'm judgin' on that, I'm just saying musically this isn't fucking mozart, it's just good.

>> ^chingalera:

>> ^gwiz665:
She sings just fine, but her guitar work is pretty basic.
Very cute though.

Yeah? Well the chord work for the tune as composed ain't rocket-science on the fretboard there wizzzy. Yeah, yeah, a few folks here have seen you play your guitar including myself and guess what?? Your own skills on the guitar come from rote and practice with very little soul or natural talent....
The showcase here anyhow, is her incredibly sincere and lilting voice and the SOUL that resides within her interpretation.
Soooo, thanks for the egotistical observations there,
MISTER Malmsteen!


lol @ fanboy. pump the brakes a little, pal! the performance is good, but the "soul" plays as a bit manufactured. as a cover there is nothing special here - just someone playing a song i've heard many times. i think the word "amazing" is overhyping it, and turning into chris crocker about it would definitely be overkill.

it's good. it's not amazing.


Nice cover and a beautiful voice, but TBH the mix kills it for me.
That "breathy hipster singing"? Yeah, wouldn't be so tiring if the guy behind the mixer didn't rub our noses..erm, ears in it so much.


>> ^PostalBlowfish:

lol @ fanboy. pump the brakes a little, pal! the performance is good, but the "soul" plays as a bit manufactured. as a cover there is nothing special here - just someone playing a song i've heard many times. i think the word "amazing" is overhyping it, and turning into chris crocker about it would definitely be overkill.
it's good. it's not amazing.

I'm going to go ahead and agree. It just goes to show how far reasonable production quality can go towards making mediocre performers appear "amazing."

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