The Old Republic E3 2010 Trailer "Hope"

The cinematic trailer released during E3 2010 to hype the MMORPG "The Old Republic"

Nice CG but realy shit fight.

but shit corography what is the motivatoin for these guys to fight it out with light sabors when they can just do the huge force atack from the very start.


To each their own, I guess.. I really enjoy Bioware's RPG's so there's that. The combat vids I've seen look fun. The smuggler class has moves I've never seen pulled off in an MMO. And then with the dialogue choices, companions, etc there's stuff in this game I've only seen done in a single player game.

The two game companies that have not let me down so far are Valve and Bioware.


Still got hopes. Bioware rarely let me down. I don't really care if it's like star wars or not, but for christ's sake we deserve another good MMORPG, it's been like over a decade since everquest.

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