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qualmAlex Jones is a racist scumbag and a nitwit conspiracist.
One example of the despicable racism of Alex Jones:
MINKhe's a racist! he's a racist! therefore he shouldn't be allowed to speak and all his ideas must be wrong!
he's a RACIST ffs! think about it, a RACIST.
he is a RACIST and i find that despicable.
didn't watch the film, because i shut my ears to all information that comes from RACISTS.
bluecliffWhy are you hiding the fact that he's a racist, MINK?
qualm'Nitwit', 'scumbag', 'racist', 'conspiracist'. Mink, I'm sorry to hurt your feelings.
bluecliffit's only your ignorance that makes us weep
- your soundbites make us think of sheep.
siftbotThis video has been flagged as being at least 10 minutes in length - declared long by burdturgler.
MINKomfg wot a racialist
qualmI don't apologize for knowing that racism is a totally unacceptable morally bankrupt ideology.
MINKfirst, mexican is not a race.
second, obama not mexican.
third, everyone knows racism is unacceptable, you protest too much.
fourth, you keep linking to the same clip of a guy shouting about "the mexicans"... do you have any other evidence or is that it?
fifth, his racism doesn't make any difference to the facts of whether or not Obama is controlled by bankers, so you should try debunking them with better sources or improved logic, rather than just calling him a racist.
shouting racism is a mentally bankrupt addition to the debate. you didn't counter any of his arguments at all. you make me suspect that you CAN'T counter his arguments, hence you resorted to pointing the finger at the "racist".
Now u understand?
qualmI understand that you're a three-times idiot, and one listen to that clip should be enough for anyone who isn't.
drattusThe main problem I have with people like Alex is that they are in the way, and I'm not convinced who they are working for. That's one aspect that never seems to occur to the conspiracy theorists. If someone did have something to hide a great way to hide it might be to turn the whole subject into a joke, don't you think? Isn't that what Alex and his type accomplished by crying proof every time they had what the rest of us might call a question or suspicion?
There were real problems and questions concerning some of the things he went on so much about and as far as I can tell he's one of the biggest reason nobody ever looked into them past the 9-11 commission and such, and they probably never will. What real questions there were just got lost behind the cries of "proof" that nobody else saw until the whole thing became a joke. If he's working for us we could do without the help.
NeuralNoiseQualm, try sifting the video you sent below, under comedy, and I´ll vote for it.
Now, did you guys really sat through the almost two hours of this video?
>> ^qualm:
Alex Jones is a racist scumbag and a nitwit conspiracist.
One example of the despicable racism of Alex Jones:
siftbotMoving this video to loki999's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter loki999.
drattus>> ^NeuralNoise:
Now, did you guys really sat through the almost two hours of this video?
This one, no. Three or so of his past ones, yes. I wasn't commenting on this video so much as on the debate about him in general but I have offered him hours in the past to base it on. I'll use the 9-11 bit as an example.
Best I can tell we should have had a fairly clear case of negligence. Not for not predicting it, but for stripping the nation of air cover in a planned exercise that was announced for everyone and their brother and an attack happened on the same day. We were striped so thoroughly of air cover that Andrews right next to DC couldn't put up effective cover even with plenty of warning. That should have been worth careers in itself I'd think but then there was a cover-up of responsibility and multiple roadblocks in the investigation. That one might have been criminal. If any of the other nonsense anyone suspected was there maybe it would have come out in any investigation but there never was and probably never will be one because the whole issue was turned into a joke.
I doubt Alex has as much proof of anything as he generally thinks he does and in the cases where he might have a point his tactics of shouting proof every time he's got a question just makes sure nobody is going to listen. If he's got anything my best advice for him would be to pass it on to someone better spoken and to stay out of it from there.
Ryjkyj>> ^qualm:
I understand that you're a three-times idiot, and one listen to that clip should be enough for anyone who isn't.
I listened to that clip. I don't really like Alex Jones all that much but saying that clip is racist can be stretched either way. Touchy, yes but I don't think that's reason enough to not hear what he has to say.
qualmI think you'd have to be a professional contortionist to convince me that Alex Jones video isn't a naked display of racist hate.
loki999>> ^qualm:
I think you'd have to be a professional contortionist to convince me that Alex Jones video isn't a naked display of racist hate.
To identify oneself with a particular race, with a particular country or with certain ideologies yields security, satisfaction and flattering self-importance. This worship of the part, instead of the whole, cultivates antagonism, conflict and confusion.
— J. Krishnamurti, 4 June 1944.
Do not let us be clouded by words, names or labels which only bring confusion as Hindus, Buddhists, Christians and Mohammedans, or as Americans, Germans, English, Chinese. Religion is above all names, creeds, doctrines. It is the way of the realization of the supreme, and virtue is not of any country, race or of any specialized religion. We must free ourselves from names and labels, from their confusion and antagonism, and try to seek through highest morality that which is. Thus you will become truly religious and so will your State. Then only will there be peace and light in the world. If each one of us can understand that there can be unity only in right thinking, not in mere superficial, economic devices, when we become religious, transcending craving for personal immortality and power, for worldliness and sensuality, only then shall we realize the deep inward wisdom of peace and love.
— J. Krishnamurti, 28 May 1944
qualmNot sure what you're trying to say.
loki999Wow thanks for that quick reply 30 seconds I think! What I'm trying to say is let's reach a little higher in our thought patterns. Alex Jones is what he is but I think there is still siftable info here. I'm curious about the private joke. loki.
drattusOk, I'll toss it a vote. Not because I think it's worth sifting but because I see a few names in the "voted for" box that I have some respect or affection for and if they think it's worth the debate, then WTF. Maybe it is. Even if it's just to have others say pretty much the same things as has already been said.
Personally I don't want Alex on my side of any debate. I can't think of a better way to make a decent point look weak than to push it as being stronger than it really is and having people find you overstated it. It should be at least as bad as you told them it was, maybe worse. When they find it's less than they were told the natural reaction seems to be to write it off as nothing even if there might have been a little something underneath.
loki999thanks for the vote!
RyjkyjCould KRS-1 convince you? He was a guest on Alex Jones' show a few weeks ago. What about Immortal Technique? He's been on a few times. Those two at least don't really seem like the kind of people who would be visiting "a naked display of hate." Again, not trying to defend Alex's message so much. It just seems like all you've provided is one clip of him saying that Mexico wants to take over the US.
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by Ryjkyj.
Why, because those two musicians are black? Don't be so naive. DL Hughely interviewed Ron Paul last week, and yet Ron Paul is clearly a racist; why didn't Ron Paul pull out his pointy white mask during the interview, or perhaps try to kill him via satellite?
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 10:20am PDT - promote requested by Gratefulmom.
budzosI don't even need to watch it to know the general hypothesis. Just like the 9/11 conspiracy theories, I highly doubt it's true. However, in both cases the thought had occured to me long before Alex Jones made a video about it. I only hope neither of these theories is true.
Ryjkyj>> ^qualm:

Why, because those two musicians are black? Don't be so naive. DL Hughely interviewed Ron Paul last week, and yet Ron Paul is clearly a racist; why didn't Ron Paul pull out his pointy white mask during the interview, or perhaps try to kill him via satellite?
No, because those two musicians are political activists who speak about racism. DL Hughely is a comedian and Ron Paul is a politician.
FYI: Immortal Technique is Peruvian. You racist.
qualmRon Paul and Alex Jones are the new leaders of what could be called the Unabomber Cult.
blankfist>> ^qualm:
Ron Paul and Alex Jones are the new leaders of what could be called the Unabomber Cult.
And what's your mailing address?
qualm^ Ron Paul can fix your country, just like he fixed your vagina.
dystopianfuturetodayCan't bring myself to upvote this crackpot, and yes, I thought him every bit as crazy during the Bush years, so I'm not a hypocrite. Still, you are working so hard to get rid of that P. I bet a PM to quantumushroom or imstellar28 would probably get this piece of shoddy, wild-eyed speculation sifted.
Oh, c'mon, qualm. Ron Paul is no Alex Jones.
rasch187Upvote for asking unpopular questions.
hojuBut listen to the music, he’s evil!
hojuDespite the cheesy into which prompted my comment above, this movie isn't so much about Obama as it is about pointing out that we were ruled by corporate elites before Obama, and we are still ruled by corporate elites during Obama. Still, this is classic hit and run documentary making.
jakesays...The Council on Foreign Relations (, Trilateral Commission (, etc, all exist, you can read their reports, magazines and member lists at the website or on Wikipedia.
It's a pity someone other than Alex Jones wasn't behind this, because it contains the names of a lot of the people that play very interesting roles in the geopolitical/finance areas that should be investigated more.
deathcowthis shit is real!
siftbotDouble-Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Friday, March 20th, 2009 8:18am PDT - doublepromote requested by deathcow.
rttech82Seems to me the only thing Obama Bin Lyin' is good at is giving speeches! And its getting to be quite old already. His answer to everything? Throw a speech at it!
[spam redacted]
wax66Is it just me, or is the lady at 54:20 on the left mouthing "I love you, Obama." or somesuch?
DeanoCan someone sum this up for me so I don't have to watch it?
Duckman33>> ^Deano:
Can someone sum this up for me so I don't have to watch it?
Can't really sum it up. But you should watch it. He brings up some very valid points. I'm afraid those who voted against this video don't like to hear anything negative about Obama. But the fact is, he is a puppet. Just like all the others before him since Kennedy. The Kennedy's didn't want to "play ball" so they were eliminated.
Truckchase.... if you like zietgiest....
I dunno how much of the specifics of this I believe, but I am scared of the Fed.
FadeHe basically points out how thus far Obama has pretty much broken every campaign promise he made.
EndAllAlex Jones being racist is irrelevant. Is he the one doing all the talking here? No, in fact, I am hearing more from the other speakers than I am from Alex. Such a glut of revelatory information cannot be neglected or swept aside, dismissed as rubbish, on the sole basis of the maker of the film supposedly being a racist. That is totally irrelevant, and I think anyone making those assertions is perhaps just scared to acknowledge the actual facts and truths being exposed in the film. I can understand that fear, though. It's not an entirely easy thing to accept, all this. But, like one of the speakers said "Anyone that's not prepared for what's going to happen deserves what they get. Because there's enough information out there pointing to the problems. And they should take all precautionary actions." I admit some things were exaggerated, mostly by Alex, but not enough to even slightly negate all the rest of what was said.
RottyPlease explain which race other than the human race this video is racist to? This video is not necessarily about Obama. Did you pay attention or is this just a knee-jerk reaction?
YogiYeah that's it's problem in my view. It brings up serious issues and mashes them together with spurious links trying to build a case that we're being controlled by like a shadow group of evil people. It's deceptive and it's a waste of energy. There's STILL people who get together and have meetings about which mob member was in on the Kennedy assassination. When they could be spending time working towards real change.
Alex Jones is a screaming and kicking paranoid baby. He doesn't use any scientific method to come to his conclusions, he's just fucking insane.
>> ^Deano:
Can someone sum this up for me so I don't have to watch it?
Can't really sum it up. But you should watch it. He brings up some very valid points. I'm afraid those who voted against this video don't like to hear anything negative about Obama. But the fact is, he is a puppet. Just like all the others before him since Kennedy. The Kennedy's didn't want to "play ball" so they were eliminated.
YogiExactly he's pointing to some real problems, and using them to promote a theory that they don't fit in or support.
Alex Jones being racist is irrelevant. Is he the one doing all the talking here? No, in fact, I am hearing more from the other speakers than I am from Alex. Such a glut of revelatory information cannot be neglected or swept aside, dismissed as rubbish, on the sole basis of the maker of the film supposedly being a racist. That is totally irrelevant, and I think anyone making those assertions is perhaps just scared to acknowledge the actual facts and truths being exposed in the film. I can understand that fear, though. It's not an entirely easy thing to accept, all this. But, like one of the speakers said "Anyone that's not prepared for what's going to happen deserves what they get. Because there's enough information out there pointing to the problems. And they should take all precautionary actions." I admit some things were exaggerated, mostly by Alex, but not enough to even slightly negate all the rest of what was said.
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