Skin Gun - Holy Grail of Burn Surgery

A simple idea backed by stem cell research allows victims of severe burns to heal in merely days.

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Saw this on reddit, which has an unblocked link. Some of the smarter guys there are calling BS on this and that while progress is being made magical makeovers like this are simply NOT possible.


Puff piece.

Let's hear about the limitations and downsides. Let's hear about the challenges. Do they have a third degree burn example?

I love hearing that there is progress being made, but let's be serious about it.


Upvote, but this redditor said it best:

>> ^Redditor:

If this works as they claim it does it is simply amazing...

However, as a scientist (genomics/developmental biology) I am skeptical of the lack of evidence provided. They showed an image of "what his burn might have looked like" wasnt even him... and then showed the fully healed results (saying it was like that after 4 days)

I'm assuming this was filmed well after the 4 days unless his hair grew back in 4 days as well.

I'm not sure why they wouldnt show the progress over the 4 day period, or at the very least a before/after shot of his hand, arm, shoulder, face, whatever. It can't be b/c it was too graphic, they showed other scars... and it can't be b/c there weren't photos taken of his progress. If this is a new technique which is in testing phases, or trying to get it to market there must be tons of documentation and with that pics/video of the progress.

The idea is sound, and do not doubt it works as good if not better than current grafting techniques, but I do doubt that he was fully healed in 4 days and looking like he did on the video


>> ^Tymbrwulf:

Upvote, but this redditor said it best:
>> ^Redditor:
If this works as they claim it does it is simply amazing...
However, as a scientist (genomics/developmental biology) I am skeptical of the lack of evidence provided. They showed an image of "what his burn might have looked like" wasnt even him... and then showed the fully healed results (saying it was like that after 4 days)
I'm assuming this was filmed well after the 4 days unless his hair grew back in 4 days as well.
I'm not sure why they wouldnt show the progress over the 4 day period, or at the very least a before/after shot of his hand, arm, shoulder, face, whatever. It can't be b/c it was too graphic, they showed other scars... and it can't be b/c there weren't photos taken of his progress. If this is a new technique which is in testing phases, or trying to get it to market there must be tons of documentation and with that pics/video of the progress.
The idea is sound, and do not doubt it works as good if not better than current grafting techniques, but I do doubt that he was fully healed in 4 days and looking like he did on the video

There's another post on there about how hair can't grow back because the follicles are gone forever and no amount of magic stem cells will fix that.
Also, no surprise here, burns don't do their dirty work to a uniform depth. So you've got a burn area which is uneven which is why the end result is likely to look bumpy.

Also another link on that reddit post links to a BBC article which was banging on about this gun 6 years ago. I suspect the inventor is still hawking it around and tv companies are more than happy to hype it ridiculously.


Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)

Orangered upboat>> ^Tymbrwulf:

Upvote, but this redditor said it best:
>> ^Redditor:
If this works as they claim it does it is simply amazing...
However, as a scientist (genomics/developmental biology) I am skeptical of the lack of evidence provided. They showed an image of "what his burn might have looked like" wasnt even him... and then showed the fully healed results (saying it was like that after 4 days)
I'm assuming this was filmed well after the 4 days unless his hair grew back in 4 days as well.
I'm not sure why they wouldnt show the progress over the 4 day period, or at the very least a before/after shot of his hand, arm, shoulder, face, whatever. It can't be b/c it was too graphic, they showed other scars... and it can't be b/c there weren't photos taken of his progress. If this is a new technique which is in testing phases, or trying to get it to market there must be tons of documentation and with that pics/video of the progress.
The idea is sound, and do not doubt it works as good if not better than current grafting techniques, but I do doubt that he was fully healed in 4 days and looking like he did on the video


>> ^dag:

This video contains content from National Geographic, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
Screw you National Geographic.


**eta- those douches, they blocked me too. DOUBLE RACISTS !@

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