This project was created with the same spirit that america was founded on. Our intentions are to connect everyone in america through the lens of this camera and social networking sites. We can't do this without you. We want to tell your story and show your city or town through photographs of you, and people you know. As we travel around america looking for people and places to shoot you will be able to keep track of where we are going and help us decide where we go next. Join us in our journey by liking our facebook to get yourself photographed by us.
An extra special thanks to Brandon Rein, Scotty Hoffman and Trevor Atwater.
Instagram username : ianruhter!/silverandlight

When I first got into photography, all of my images were created in the darkroom. Though I still enjoy shooting, digital prints have not been as magical for me as what I created with my hands with chemistry and light. These guys are producing some *quality images.


Gonna be honest, I didn't want to watch this because of the cover photo. I'm glad I did though, but if you could maybe wanna change the Hollister Bag model chick picture, might get some more views.

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