Reviewer Takes Own Life After Playing Ultimate Duck Hunting


Dear VideoSift:

After watching this video I promptly upvoted it, wrote this comment, then took my own life. If it's possible for videos to get more depressing than this then I never want to view another video again.

To DFT: I leave my bio picture of Ron Jeremy. I know he's your hero.
To rottenseed: I leave my avatar, as yours sucks big hairy donkey balls.
To Issykitty: I leave my son's rats. He won't be able to properly care for them without me, so I'm sure you could give them a loving home.
To fjnbk: I leave my good looks, because your avatars are just one ugly motherfucker after another.
To kulpims: I leave this advice: Star Trek TNG has been off the air for over a decade. It's time to move on.
To dag: Advice for you too: Carnal relations with culinary utensils is illegal in many US jurisdictions, so don't come back to the States unless you have a good lawyer.
To Sarzy: Advice abounds: Lose the shades. Miami Vice has been off the air for almost 20 years. That oughta tell you something.
To my15minutes: I give you the few downvotes I've cast to add to your record. Quit being so nice.
To ant: I give you all the upvotes I've cast. You need to have a few upvotes for dick jokes on your resume.
To the rest: I ask that you remember me fondly. I just farted.

Good night, sweet Sift!


Murder? Genocide? I want to punch him for using those words to describe hunting. As for the game: I love the DOOM-style centered shotgun. Everyone knows you brace a shotgun on your sternum.


I for one am glad that brutally honest video game reviews are now out of the closet and into the main-stream. I hope this leads to a new age of non-bullshit and better titles.


I too thought it a little odd that he'd kill himself over a 3.2 rated game... I think maybe he was really killing himself over some other crisis... spurned by a gay lover? Wore white after labor day? Stepped on a crack and broke his mother's back?


>> ^Krupo:
Seriously - they gave it a 3.2 when it's so bad? Do they ever give 1's or 2'?

perhaps 2 == "did not install"
and 1 == "did not install but did format/corupt your PC for trying"

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