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Republicans likey torture.. oops.. "enhanced interrogation"


WTF happened to this country 9 out of 10 candidates love them some Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. I mean.. you can stick your fingers in your ears and say "it's not torture" all you want. But it is torture by everyone but Pentagon lawyers definitions. Literally Bush and US leaders are going to go to jail over US torture.. (assuming we remain active members of NATO, UN, etc)

I understand this is a Fux News audience, but come on.. APPLAUDING TORTURE!! This is not your father's GOP, that's for sure. Applauding doubling Gitmo? This is insane, they are trying to out 9/11 Bush!! They trying to seem more pro-war pro-torture than Gonzales!

Look you can't get information out of people who are willing to die for their cause. You can't torture out accurate info. It is false, tell you what you want to hear stuff. Even McCain can't fuckin' say, no TORTURE, no enhanced anything. McCain probably had it easier than people in cages in Gitmo.


Quantumushroom you are an ignorant intolerant bigot - but we all knew that. But what amuses me greatly is that none of the stupid, intolerant, hateful policies that you advocate will ever be implemented! And what's even funnier is that you don't realise that your pathetic vision of a world dominated by white American evangelical Republicans is nothing but a delusion. Your time is passing little monster...


First, thanks for spelling my name correctly.

I'm reading a book called "The Trouble With Islam" by Irshad Manji. I really like her and am sorry she's a lesbian.

Manji has certainly prompted me to think about the present condition of Islam, as well as explained the historical causes for its troubles. She even wants to reform Islam using its own principle of Ijtihad.

However, visionaries like Manji are in short supply. Islam has been and continues to be a religion of rote, unquestioning obedience. It is, in essence, shut off.

I understand why moderate Muslims don't speak out, but their own cowardice or silence is also sealing their fate. Worldwide.

If the wackos that claim to speak for your religion continue to attack the West, I see a day not far off when we'll have no choice but to start dropping H-bombs. The entire world will burn to a cinder before the West is run under primitive and backwards Sharia laws.

Now before you go attacking me personally, ask yourself what it is your unique culture and religion offer? Islam doesn't play well with other religions, it is intolerant and antipodal to the human spirit. It certainly doesn't do women any favors.

While it is a legitimate pathway to Allah, even this lifelong quest is suffocated by a lack of intellectual freedom. Why should I bow down to those who aren't allowed to question their own holy book?

Do you think your rage is somehow more valid, because you claim to represent the will of Allah?

After you mentioned your personal beef with Israeli foot soldiers, I pretty much gave up trying to continue any dialogue. You're part of a decades-long problem with no clear-cut solution. In the 90s, didn't Israel offer to meet 98% of Arafat's demands and the slimeball still walked away from the deal? With "leaders" like those terrorists, you don't need enemies.

The world really is too small for anything but when will Muslims wake up?


South Carolina luvs gulags.

Brit Hume is not brave enough to ask whether any of them would support domestic internment camps along with all torture of those who could be possible suspects (the mostly likely scenario) in the FOX '24' shopping mall bomb fantasy.

But I like watching when Republicans play-act tough. Sharpen those 9-irons, boys (McCain excluded)


Well I think we all know why McCain doesn't like torture. Hits just a little too close to home with him.

As for QM, I agree with small bits and pieces of what he said, but 98% of it shows the same intolerance that he's so adamentally against. I like the author he's reading, though. I've seen her on CNN a few times. Good woman, and a good direction to take Islam.


When rightly applied, intolerance is beautiful. It was intolerance of evil which ended slavery, fascism, and much of worldwide communism, and it will be the same furious intolerance of evil that ends Muslim tyranny, slavery, homicide bombing, the treating of women like cattle and its constant attacks on intellectual and yes, religious freedom.

Evolve or die.


All Republicans know fuck all about intelligence work clearly. Torture never worked, will never work and is only liable to give you totally false information.

Once you press an individual long enough they will crack and tell you whatever you want to hear to end the pain. Since you don't know what is true or not you keep going further until you are left with either a mentally scarred individual or a dead man.

Since we are talking about a terrorist organization it's doubly useless, because in such a structure information is compartmentalized on a need to know basis. Furthermore, terror cells don't go high fiving each other so one cell will not know of another cells existence. When dealing with a terrorist that hates everything you stand for, obviously torturing him will only strength their resolve to either lie or deceit you.

I swear listening to these people you think the KGB and CIA just ran around grabbing and torturing one another on a daily basis during the cold war. Intelligence gathering is a people skill, you coerce cooperation, you convince the enemy that you are a friend, you create moles, you infiltrate the organization from the ground level and dismantle it from the inside.

Promising torture means that anyone within Al Qaeda who might want to come forward will not do so now, knowing that they will be sent off to Gitmo. Congrats you just increased their paranoia, now it will be even harder.

PS: It's funny to see QM try to pass himself off as a understanding human being. What happened to nuke everyone in the Middle East? Your line about intolerance is really high school level reasoning in an adult world. I lived in the Middle East and all I see is constant BS about a religion and a people you have NO knowledge of.


QM You are turning "Should we torture people?" into a criticism of islam, gwaan criticized you for "knowing" the democrats answer without hearing it. I think democrats probably arent united on this issue either, but I'd certainly only support those who thinks like McCain on this particular issue, so i hope, and think, perhaps most of them would fall into that category.

As fort the problem of Islam, its a headache completely in its own right, I do see it as a major stumbling block as well, and I hope it will find an unlikely way of moderating itself, like other religions have done in the past. Christianity and Judaism moderation is all but equally unlikely, after all, nowhere in the bible does it say "dont take this book too seriously, mkay?" Despite of that,rationality has almost won the war against the religious dogma. Our only realistic hope is that islam will follow a similar path of secularization , which can only be done through widespread education.


"I really like her and am sorry she's a lesbian." "intolerance is beautiful" "It was intolerance of evil which ended slavery, fascism, and much of worldwide communism"
quantumushroom, you realize how stupid you sound? Intolerance of evil, like religious persecution of homosexuality and homophobia, is a good goal. Evolve or die yourself. Maybe it is your religion that is also closed minded.


I agree with what Farhad said: "I lived in the Middle East and all I see is constant BS about a religion and a people you have NO knowledge of." Ameen brother! I've lived there myself and I have rarely encountered the intolerant inflexible homogenous 'Islam' that QM and others are constantly attacking. That is not to say that fundamentalists, literalists and misogynists don't exist in the Islamic world - they do - but they are a small vocal minority who have unfortunately given the other 1.5 billion Muslims a bad name.

BicycleRepairMan, when you say things like "I hope it will find an unlikely way of moderating itself, like other religions have done in the past." you just reveal how little you know about the Islamic world and the Islamic faith. The vast majority of the Islamic world is moderate. And when you advocate secularism as the solution - again you show how little you know about the Islamic world. The Islamic world has been plagued with repressive secular dictators who have inflicted enormous suffering on their peoples. For many millions of people living under these repressive regimes Islam is the voice of opposition, freedom and justice. You constantly want to explain the world in simple terms - religion bad, secularism good - it isn't that black and white.

(And Joe - sorry for taking this thread of topic!)


"i don't want them on our soil where they get access to lawyers! i want double guantanamo!" wtF?
rearrange the following words:
fathers, founding, graves, turning, must, in, be, their.


hmm, when you all talk about "the Islamic world" are you really lumping together ALL Muslems? Same thing I ask when I hear "the Christian world" - are you including the millions of Christians in China? I mean, there's a difference between religious tradition and cultural tradition.

Example: much of Egypt and Somalia is Muslem and they are the biggest practitioners of Female Genital Mutilation. Look bad for them but I know that Islam denounces such a practice and that as it is., FGM is practiced as a cultural thing.

BE careful painting a cultural practice or attitude as a religious one, is all I'm saying. YOu can do it about Islam when you're talking to other Westeners but I guarantee you there's similar misapplications of "understanding" when it comes to Western practices.

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