Two rats embark on an epic battle of the will accompanied by Aphex Twin... I mean musically accompanied, he's not actually there. He's probably too busy to adjudicate rat conflicts.

wouldn't it be great if human battles were done in a similar way. you just stand up a bit, mirror your opponents moves, occasionally wave your paw/hand at them and see who bottles out first!


This is an antagonistic display. It is sometimes referred to as "nose-off behavior," sometimes as the "dual boxing posture," and sometimes as "heedfulness".

It is thought that the subordinate male may use this posture defensively, maintaining whisker to whisker contact so that the dominant male cannot bite him. The posture may accompany other antagonistic displays such as a wide open mouth or gnashing of the teeth, and often escalates to full-on boxing or to biting.

Here's a fun page on rat behavior:


I just spent 3+ min staring at a rat that was....
...staring at a rat that was
...staring back at a rat

... and I was entertained.

Oh and at 3:16 sort of reminded me of the movie Swordfish for some reason... you know, the interview process.

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