unintentially racist?

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Monday, February 11th, 2013 8:49am PST - promote requested by Hybrid.



Who names a church, "2nd Church of Christ?"

Besides, the domain for this church was:

Registered On:15-Jan-2013 02:28:05 UTC
Last Updated On:15-Jan-2013 02:28:05 UTC
Expiration Date:15-Jan-2014 02:28:05 UTC


Here's the skinny-It's a Church of Christ church in Debuque, Iowa. Church of Christ is an autonomous Christian sect in the U.S. and they set them apart from others with their particuar take on the bible.

There are probably a few other Church of Christ congregations in town, one's probably called, 1st COC and it's common to see CoC's named after the area of town or a major Street.
The sect splits often when a number of parishioners start interpreting shit differently to suit their needs.

For instance, most CoC's agree that the God forbids musical instruments in the house of worship-(Talk about your uptight, white motherfuckers!) It follows that there are very few minorities, persons of color or SOUL, in the congregations of these churches, not to mention a fundamental absence of common sense.

Yeah, y'know? Tell me how fucked-up your take on the Bible has to be to assume that God does not want accomp..accommm...accompaniment during the local communion of worship and praise??!

Who the FUCK, decided THAT is the real mystery!!??



Who names a church, "2nd Church of Christ?"

Besides, the domain for this church was:

Registered On:15-Jan-2013 02:28:05 UTC
Last Updated On:15-Jan-2013 02:28:05 UTC
Expiration Date:15-Jan-2014 02:28:05 UTC


Moving this video to spawnflagger's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


Sending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter spawnflagger.

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