Rand Paul's Epic Speech on Government Spending Today

Rand Paul gives and epic speech on government spending on the floor of the Senate. February 8th 2018.. Common sense not heeded by left or the right.- American citizens loose.

73 Democrats joined 167 Republicans to put the bill over the top and send it to the of desk President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it shortly, ending the second government shutdown of 2018 only hours after it began.

I hate to agree with him, and I didn't watch his hour long speech, but adding hundreds of billions a year in new spending after cutting $1.5 trillion in taxes is about as far from fiscal responsibility as you can get.
No more calling democrats 'tax and spend' @bobknight33 without noting republicans are now just 'spend', and they spend far more than Democrats....on stuff we don't need.


this has been demonstrably the case for like 4 decades.


I hate to agree with him, and I didn't watch his hour long speech, but adding hundreds of billions a year in new spending after cutting $1.5 trillion in taxes is about as far from fiscal responsibility as you can get.
No more calling democrats 'tax and spend' @bobknight33 without noting republicans are now just 'spend', and they spend far more than Democrats....on stuff we don't need.


The both spend to no end. I've never disagreed.

I felt that the 10 trillion added under Obama was sickening.. Still, would not have happened if Republicans didn't go along with it .. They are just as guilty..

Now it continues.


I hate to agree with him, and I didn't watch his hour long speech, but adding hundreds of billions a year in new spending after cutting $1.5 trillion in taxes is about as far from fiscal responsibility as you can get.
No more calling democrats 'tax and spend' @bobknight33 without noting republicans are now just 'spend', and they spend far more than Democrats....on stuff we don't need.


Moving this video to bobknight33's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.

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