Portal 2: Panels, the planks of tomorrow!

Found on Blue's News http://www.bluesnews.com

Tags for this video have been changed from 'portal, panels, planks, crushes, science' to 'portal, panels, planks, crushes, science, jk simmons' - edited by xxovercastxx


>> ^conan:
>> ^rottenseed:
Was Portal any good?

meh, that was too obvious.

That was a serious question...I'm *new* to gaming. That is to say, there was a giant gap between super mario world and LittleBigPlanet where I didn't know what was what in the gaming world.


>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^conan:
>> ^rottenseed:
Was Portal any good?

meh, that was too obvious.

That was a serious question...I'm new to gaming. That is to say, there was a giant gap between super mario world and LittleBigPlanet where I didn't know what was what in the gaming world.

In that case, the short answer is yes. The long answer is FUCK YES BUY IT NOW.


>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^conan:
>> ^rottenseed:
Was Portal any good?

meh, that was too obvious.

That was a serious question...I'm new to gaming. That is to say, there was a giant gap between super mario world and LittleBigPlanet where I didn't know what was what in the gaming world.

Uh sorry. You're right, i'm seeing trolls everywhere nowadays :-)

Sarzy's right. It's THAT good. Portal has been the first true new idea in gaming in ages, at least in FPS. I'd suggest playing it without reading anything about it, don't let reviews etc. spoil it for you.

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