thanks to Cory Doctorow. Colonel Peter Martino (USMC, Ret.) briefly addresses the City Council of Concord, NH, in regards to their proposed acquisition of an armored personnel carrier (APC).

Cory Doctorow's article, linked here again for context, mentions:

"The vehicle in question, a Lenco Bearcat, costs $258,000 and was widely opposed by the people of Concord, a town of 42,000 which has experienced three murders in the past ten years."


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" In the end, nothing the public had to say mattered. The city council approved the acquisition with an 11-4 vote. Here's how they justified the armored vehicle's existence in a town of 42,000.

[Liz] Blanchard said she was voting for the Bearcat because it was the replacement of an older piece of equipment and would only be used for defensive purposes. She said in the wake of the Newtown school shooting and the Boston Marathon bombing attack, “we do need to be defensive.”

Ward 2 Councilor Jennifer Kretovic called the issue “a huge civic discussion” but said the calls from her district in support of the Bearcat were "ten-fold." She said recent murders and armed robberies in the northern part of the city showed that it was needed. "


<retracted and re-written>
Perhaps each state could make a ballot initiative (those states that allow them) making it illegal for domestic police to use ANY equipment made specifically for the military? I'd vote yes.

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