Police Dashcam Karaoke

"Dover Police Officer having a private moment, or so he thinks."

What's the bet this made the office Christmas party :)

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Saturday, January 17th, 2015 4:12am PST - promote requested by original submitter blackfox42.


I respect him 1000x more than any of the "bad cops" we seem to get here on the Sift.


Well, he is never going to be able to wield any kind of authority ever again.....



Total fake P.R. campaign for the police dept, made by the police on the clock with public funds (not being snarky, they admitted it today). Also as mentioned, TERRIBLE driving skills displayed; hands off the wheel, not looking at all, etc.
I'm getting tired of these faked 'see, there are good, fun cops' videos that keep turning out to be completely staged by P.R. departments. Sorry, no upvote here.

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