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Astar Rocket company run by former astronaut Franklin Chang are devoloping a plasma rocket which could take theoridically take us to mars in 7 to 9 days.

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Ion engines are nothing particularly new, and this piece gives no indication of how his rocket would be an improvement over current ion rockets. It does have fancy CG renderings, however.


>> ^LooiXIV:
Or snu snu with giant amazon women!
>> ^mentality:
Great. Now all we need to do is invent cryosleep and we'll be well on our way to making love with giant blue alien babes.

"And in the end, is that not what man has dreamt of since first he looked up at the stars?" - Captain Zapp Brannigan


Ion rockets (they aren't really rockets, they are called ion thrusters) as they stand do not generate that much thrust. This is vastly different than an ion drive. The only function the magnetic field has in this drive is to focus what is a very traditional "jet stream" of superheated plasma out the tail. A ion drive uses the magnetic field to "push" off ions...very different concepts. The ion drive is great because the amount of fuel is needs is so minute...but thrust is also fairly pitiful.

(upon further reading, the best ion drive is about x2 less powerful than this particular drive. This particular drive is running at 59% efficiency. They have plans for a slightly larger rocket that is about 80% or so efficiency, which brings them up to about what a normal rocket efficiency is.)


I wouldn't get hung up on them not working in the atmosphere. Once (fingers crossed) the first space ladder gets up and running any rocket style tech for leaving Earth is going to look very primitive and wasteful. Between the two techs, we could have a very viable system for significant expansion into space. Hope I'm around to see it.


Wiki on fusion. "In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fusion is the process by which multiple like-charged atomic nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus. It is accompanied by the release or absorption of energy, which allows matter to enter a plasma state."

Plasma is also known to some as the 4th state of matter. It is ever present in fusion, though not limited to. Most discussions about plasma though involve stars by and large.


*kill Turns out, this rocket is actually really bad and is stealing away funds from real rocket candidates because idiots like me, who know nothing about rockets, keep asking about it. Politics over function...sorry rocket scientist.

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