Pink Floyd - Pulse - Insanely Perfect Stage Production


Look at the spinning ?Leslie? speaker cabinets inside a safety enclosure.

This 4 minute guitar solo, combined with the intense rings of motion controlled lights, is out of this world. For a while it looks like Gilmour is out there playing under the bright caustic beams of a magnifying glass burning him with the Sun.


What an astounding live experience that was, and that's just my impression from a YouTube clip.
Truly, that's one of the great guitar solos. I'm glad punk failed


The best song by one of the greatest and most creative bands ever. Pink Floyd's music has a daily presence in my life. If you are a Floyd fan and do not own the DVD "Pulse" go buy it now. You will not be disappointed.

IMO, the loss of Roger Waters was not a great one. I prefer David's solo stuff over Roger's. Roger's sense of self importance and significance in the band was inflated. He felt that without him there should be no Pink Floyd. MLoR was done without Waters and is one of their best records.


This tour was my only live PF experience, and still one of my best concert memories overall. Many big moments, but the greatest for me was when Sam Brown did the unthinkable and topped the "Delicate sound of thunder" version of "Great gig in the sky". Simply amazing.


>> ^CaBhaal:
The best song by one of the greatest and most creative bands ever. Pink Floyd's music has a daily presence in my life. If you are a Floyd fan and do not own the DVD "Pulse" go buy it now. You will not be disappointed.
IMO, the loss of Roger Waters was not a great one. I prefer David's solo stuff over Roger's. Roger's sense of self importance and significance in the band was inflated. He felt that without him there should be no Pink Floyd. MLoR was done without Waters and is one of their best records.

Agreed, and i also thought TDB was superb. Gilmour has to get a huge amount of credit for keeping the same "feel" to the band after the split, while retaining the rediculously high levels of quality.


I've been to a Roger Waters concert, and it was one of the best events I can remember, despite feeling over-rehearsed (if there is such a thing) and almost lip-sync'd. There was almost no feel to the songs, and almost no energy like there is in this clip.

Still though, I marked a V in my "be a part of a crowd shouting 'we don't need no education'" checkbox

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