Peter Griffin high on Red Bull

... though I think Chris steals it at 0:55 :)

I would actually insist that the backup be used right now, To my own highly valued opinion, it is better because it gives more story to the matter... and the Madonna thing is a good start.


Peter's initial tasting of Red Bull is here:


Am I the only person in the world who is unaffected by Red Bull and it's ilk? I've drunk a can of Red Bull and fallen asleep, with no reason why I'd be especially tired. I don't drink loads of coffee or such so it's not as if I've a huge caffeine tolerance level. Caffeine in general just doesn't push my buttons for some reason.


>> ^Quboid:

Am I the only person in the world who is unaffected by Red Bull and it's ilk? I've drunk a can of Red Bull and fallen asleep, with no reason why I'd be especially tired. I don't drink loads of coffee or such so it's not as if I've a huge caffeine tolerance level. Caffeine in general just doesn't push my buttons for some reason.

I'm lazy today or I would look it up, But if I remember right there is a small percentage of people that caffeine has the opposite effect on instead of waking them up. It has the effect of making them even more tired and in some cases putting them to sleep.


I don't know about putting me to sleep, but caffeine never seemed to have much effect on me, and most energy drinks just taste like ass.
And yeah, Chris totally steals it.


>> ^Quboid:

Am I the only person in the world who is unaffected by Red Bull and it's ilk? I've drunk a can of Red Bull and fallen asleep, with no reason why I'd be especially tired. I don't drink loads of coffee or such so it's not as if I've a huge caffeine tolerance level. Caffeine in general just doesn't push my buttons for some reason.

Same here I can drink loads of drinks with caffeine and while I feel slightly more alert I really don't feel hyper or anything.


I'm in the same boat here. Caffeine has never had an effect on me, and I don't drink many things with caffeine in them so it's not a tolerance thing. When I do drink caffeinated beverages (Coke or tea - I avoid coffee like the plague) I can have them late at night and I will have no problem getting to sleep. While I don't care for the taste of Redbull, I had multiple cans in a short time-frame once and I noticed no effect.


The reason many people aren't effected by caffeine is the amount they have. An average person can have 200-400mg of caffeine, 2-4 cups of coffee and feel no effects. This is because it is a naturally occurring stimulant, meaning our bodies process it very easily. It may have an effect of a slight raising of your blood pressure or heart rate, but it will return to normal very quickly and most times will go unnoticed. It "wakes you up" in the morning because of that slight increase in your body's metabolism. This speeds up the internal process our bodies go through from a prolonged sleep stage to an awake stage.

It's quite common for someone to feel no effect from caffeine and even the sleepiness is the body recovering from the slight "boost" much like being tired after running or most any activity. The times people feel jumpy is from an overload of caffeine. Caffeine replaces our body's self made hormones which get us going. Prolonged exposure to caffeine is why people get that big downer. You stop caffeine and your body doesn't know any better so it doesn't make anything and bam, no energy. Just try to avoid levels over 600mg of caffeine and you should be fine!

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