Patrick Stewart "Secrets"

Patrick Stewart shares his dark "Secrets" on the Conan O'Brien show. Why is his favorite animal the bald eagle? I wish he did more comedy, he's great at it

The best thing is that everyone can learn finnish from the subtitles while enjoying the comedy!

Pretty critical phrases are included, like:

to nail that ass = painaa pyrstöön

I pee on shoes = kusen kengille

it tastes good = maistuu hyvältä

gave us very dirty looks = katsoivat hyvin likaisesti


If Captain Picard were a D&D character, his alignment would be Chaotic Good.

I don't know about that. Kirk is chaotic good; Picard I always saw as Lawful, if not neutral.

I'm hard pressed to think of any non-lawful Next-gen characters.


I'd have to suggest Picard was more like a Lawful Good alignment, since he was a sort of constitutionalist or idealist regarding the Prime Directive. He would always be guided by it when a primitive culture was in danger of contamination for example, even if it was to some detriment. That is to say, he would hold it in higher regard than he would the Federation if he had to choose.

Unlike characters such as Capt. Janeway, who would disregard the Directive for the greater immediate good.


There were a lot of times that Picard disregarded starfleet orders. Not as flagrantly as Kirk, but for instance Picard was ordered to patrol the neutral zone at the beginning of First Contact.

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