Nestlé Responds to Abby

Abby Martin features a video message by Nestlé, which the company made in direct response to a recent report Abby made about the company. She responds to points made in the video, and sets the record straight on the company's claims.

the CEO's message is quite telling (somewhere here already)

Peter Braebeck, Austrian Jew, b. 1944, worked extensively in S.A. (his wealthy connections most likely allowed his family to flee Germany after the war) in various marketing and managing oif food concerns, well-known for his human rights abuses or dis-concern, a real piece a work this one and Nestle Nazi's still own a huge chunk of the world market due primarily to the wealth they absconded with and amassed during the Nazi regime.

The same CEO sits on the Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group, L'Oréal, and Exxon Mobil.

Nestle is complete shit, bottle your own water.


I think the only real important part of her entire message comes starting at about the 7:10 mark. The rest of it to me is no wonder that Nestle acts the way they do in a free market that doesn't make them pay for externalities and offers millions in profits.

Even the CEO, while quite awful, has a point. Water as a human right is not guaranteed and is an extreme. Currently it's subsidized in the U.S. (not sure about elsewhere), but it does cost money and is part of a water market.


Godwin in five! (counting siftbot)

@gwiz665 Charisma can be subjective, so she definitely has her fans. The Maddow thing is off-putting a little bit (close your eyes and listen; she sounds almost exactly like her), but I don't think it's on purpose. She was born with that voice. I think she's more Munn than Maddow, and you can never have too much Olivia Munn, imho.


It's pretty clear there is some hate here and the judgement of charisma and charm of a person by someone who hates them is useless to any rational person. There are tons of talking heads I dislike, but they all have charisma - that's why they have jobs.


Maddow has the charisma of a dock-side barkeep, and the charm of of the edge of a table.


Her self-righteous hatred to manipulate her viewers' emotions is off the charts.

The Russian governmental propaganda arm that runs Russia Today must have her coached by experts.

Nobody's that terrible naturally.


I would probably not have thought of Maddow if not for the comment. If I had, it would have been because of the seriousness of the subject matter and the focus on what is otherwise taken for granted (water), which tends to be a style and approach I don't observe in many other places.

This definitely reminded me of Munn in The Newsroom. The delivery made me wonder if perhaps both went to some kind of broadcasting school and had not yet quite found the right finish. She also looks quite alike.


Godwin in five! (counting siftbot)

@gwiz665 Charisma can be subjective, so she definitely has her fans. The Maddow thing is off-putting a little bit (close your eyes and listen; she sounds almost exactly like her), but I don't think it's on purpose. She was born with that voice. I think she's more Munn than Maddow, and you can never have too much Olivia Munn, imho.


The only hate from my end is for her abuse of the craft-She's talented, sharp, and would probably make for an interesting acquaintance. I've grown to dislike her primarily because of the spamming of her banal, formulaic, and diversionary MSNBC clips here on the Videosift during the most farcical election cycle of the century. Could care less about her sexuality, politics, or personal grooming habits and favorite foods, she's chosen NEWS WHORE as her M-O.


It's pretty clear there is some hate here and the judgement of charisma and charm of a person by someone who hates them is useless to any rational person. There are tons of talking heads I dislike, but they all have charisma - that's why they have jobs.


I really dislike the rehearsed, measured, wry, ego-inflating cadence that most TV info dump droppers seem to adopt these days. Sure sometimes it attempts to appear to mean well but most of the time ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh please no.


To be fair, Nestle's not holding a gun to the heads of those that want to pay literally something around 2000 times more than they need to for bottled tap water. Is Nestle evil for agreeing to fulfill consumers' apparent desire to be thoroughly gouged?


You're not wrong, but I think the main issue is that people are buying into the perception that their water is of higher quality of regular tap water and that isn't necessarily the case.

That and the environmental impact of bottled water far outweighs the convenience of bottled water, but people buy it anyway so you've got the whole issue of profit vs what's actually good for consumers and long term environmental impact

They're cashing in on the ignorance of lots of people


To be fair, Nestle's not holding a gun to the heads of those that want to pay literally something around 2000 times more than they need to for bottled tap water. Is Nestle evil for agreeing to fulfill consumers' apparent desire to be thoroughly gouged?


Agreed. "If it doesn't come off a shelf it's not to be trusted."

I'm tempted to start my own business selling water bottled at my kitchen sink. I'll slap a sweet logo on there, designed by some 12 year old with his pirated version of Adobe Illustrator, and I'll be good to go.


You're not wrong, but I think the main issue is that people are buying into the perception that their water is of higher quality of regular tap water and that isn't necessarily the case.

That and the environmental impact of bottled water far outweighs the convenience of bottled water, but people buy it anyway so you've got the whole issue of profit vs what's actually good for consumers and long term environmental impact

They're cashing in on the ignorance of lots of people

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