Neil Degrasse Tyson on the foolishness of 2012

Neil Degrasse Tyson discusses all of the attention 2012 is getting and what it speaks of us on jimmy fallons internet test

I am continuously astounded by people who believe that astrology is actually going to prove your going to have a good day. I am exceedingly dismayed by those who believe that honestly if they pray for the traffic to let up and it does that a deity did it, and it wasn't just a self fulfilling prophecy.

But on the other hand, I am still waiting for the Zombie Apocalypse so maybe it is the pot calling the kettle black.



It's ridiculous that so many people think their life is going to have a Hollywood ending. Repeated exposure to the Bible or television or Steven King novels will do that to you, with all these corny, dramatic references to Armageddon, End of Days, The Apocalypse, plagues, earthquakes, meteor impacts, etc.

Hey people, the world will be around long after your puny, miserable, insignificant life is done, get used to it.


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