McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

"There's no question John McCain is getting a free ride from the mainstream press. But with the power of YouTube and the blogosphere, we can provide an accurate portrayal of the so-called Maverick. We can put the brakes on his free ride!"

Continuation of the Robert Greenwald & Brave New Films writeup regarding the description of this series of videos:

"Since we first released "The Real McCain" a year ago, our REAL McCain series has garnered close to 2 million views, with over 13,000 comments and tens of thousands more in petition signatures! Clearly, John McCain's record is something the public wants to discuss, and yet the corporate media is doing NOTHING to present the truth. We feel obliged to continue countering the mainstream media's love of McCain. And so we thought it was high time for a sequel: 'The Real McCain 2.'"

Here's another. (There's one more of the 10 in total that no one has posted, but my queue is already tapped out).


>> ^Constitutional_Patriot:
The fact that the GOP is supporting such a person as their candidate while a much more intelligent man is still in the race (Ron Paul) shows that something seriously is afoul in the political decision process.

The modern Republican Party is against everything that Ron Paul stands for. If the GOP continues on its present course, it may become a regional party while the Libertarians rise and take over.


Soooo, tell us this ya pep-rally patrons?? What is it about Oblahma that smells sweeter? Because talking in circles with meaning as a leper to be avoided, does not translate into presidential material...look kids, they all suck, which version of suck is what you will be casting your vote for-


Lets suppose for a second that what you suggest is true, Choggie. Who would you suggest to be the least suckiest out of the three numerically feasible contenders? I think even by your logic you may have to agree Obama is the best candidate.


Please, Please, Please, dont vote for another war loving, mis-speaking, out of touch republican puppet in the white house.

Ninjafish, you just gave me chills. My exact post, prior to reading yours, was going to be:
"Please, please, please, voters from all walks of life, don't let it happen again."


LOL Guys it's out of context. Anything can seem bad out of context. Try and not be fooled by this video. It was edited to make him look bad. Are you guys that blind?


>> ^neosin:
LOL Guys it's out of context. Anything can seem bad out of context. Try and not be fooled by this video. It was edited to make him look bad. Are you guys that blind?

I know, unless you let his campaign control every aspect of the media covering him, he looks like a two-faced, lying, senile warmonger.

Weird how he's always out of context whenever he speaks.


The GOP doesn't have a chance this election. They're like the punk kid up the street, who's invited to your kid's birthday party, and then breaks everything and ruins everyones fun. He's not allowed back until a few years go by and all is forgotten. Not that the Democrats are superior by any means, but they aren't as obnoxious or selfish. Maybe their next Karl Rove can figure out how to win elections and not abuse the power won so thoroughly they can keep it for more than a decade? I doubt that will ever happen though unless they revert to monarchy.

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