Man on ground fixes plane in air


first off def, I'm no aviation expert but I'm guessing chances are that there are very few "good" crash landings. Either way someones life is at risk. It's not just a plane your saving, there was at the very least one soul on board. The only crash landings where people don't get hurt is on Ducktales. Fly on Launchpad McQuack!


There is an element of truth in what you say DC. If the pilot retracted the undercarriage, brought it down to low throttle, applied full flaps and then feathered the props, then he would be able to make what is known as a "pancake landing" used by war pilots if they needed to ditch their aircraft over jungle etc.

A similar manouvre was carried out at biggin hill a few years ago where a french plane lost hydraulic pressure, and was forced to carry out this manouvre.


Please people, the pilot could easily have floated the air to a smooth landing by gliding it down like a glider (all pilots learn this).

I think the dramatic angle was added by the television crew, because it wouldn't seem as exiciting if tehy just said "Yeah we could have glided the plane to a stop, but fixing the landing gear and wings would kill me, so lets try something else first."

Looks alot like a stunt too. Considering his landing gear failed... and he somehow manages to coordinate a resuce attempt while doing circles around the airfield?


huh?? glided down like a glider? all pilots learn this?

"One wheel stuck in the plane? No worries, glide down like a glider, like this...."...

One nice thing about airports is they have lots of people handy, most with a automobile nearby, this is not far fetched at all as far as fake/real video. What would be far fetched is someone risking a $300,000 aircraft to "fake" this little video. What possible motive?

Yeah I made many unpowered landings during my pilot lessons, gliding down just like a glider, but we ALWAYS got to use the landing gear.


Honestly, this was a pretty stupid attempt. There is no way to know what is keeping the gear up, so putting a car and passenger under it is insane. The pilot is already flustered because the gear is malfunctioning. Now they (or he, I guess) are asking someone to drive where he can't see them while he operates at ~10' AGL? Ill advised. The potential for catastrophy just boggles my mind.

There are lots of variables, though. If the pilot did a thorough preflight and no mechanical discrepencies were found, land it belly-up and have insurance fix the plane cause it's not your fault.

Inadequate pre-flight? Sued for subrogation after the insurance fixes the plane due to your gross negligence.

Accident trying to pull this stunt? The parties of the injured/killed participants sue the pilot for gross negligence and reckless operation.

The pilot is the last, sole authority for the safe operation of the airplane. It looks to me like that authority was misplaced.


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