Man Chops Down Tree To Steal Bike

From YT: Surveillance video in Changsha city, central China’s Hunan Province, has captured a man felling a tree with a chainsaw in order to steal a bicycle locked to it. In the footage, taken early on Monday morning, the man is also seen carrying the bicycle away on his motorbike. The criminal has been much criticized by Chinese netizens since the video’s release.

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Chinese manufacturers poison children with lead paint on toys and melamine in formula. They build shoddy schools in earthquake zones, killing hundreds more children. The government is corrupt, the people, by and large, are on the verge of poverty, forced into making tough decisions like leaving their kids with the grandparents in the country while they work in the city and can barely scratch enough together to visit once or twice a year. At the same time, the wealthy class has ballooned at a staggering rate, government officials steal millions of dollars from taxpayers, or take the money in bribes, and offshore it so they can escape when the inevitable collapse comes. And all this is just barely scratching the surface of all the shit that goes on in China.

Yes, by all means, let's worry about one tree.

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