Man Changes Bike Tire in Less Than a Minute

Impressive! I wonder if he rides it fast too?

Yeah, he used a CO2 canister-based pump. Very handy for quick changes, but you need to be careful to do as he do and aim upwards when inflating (downward facing = greater chance of freezing inner tube - from experience). Note: Depending on temperatures and canister size (12g, 16g etc), CO2 canisters often only get you back up to 80-90PSI, which may or may not be enough for your setup

This was a great (and impressive) display. As someone who has changed HUNDREDS of flatties, my ramblings, FWIW:
- The tyre/rim combo can often mean removal (and reseating) of the tyre is a PITA, due to slightly small ID tyre bead and slightly oversize RIM OD. Inevitably this requires n+1 tyre levers, with n being the number you have in your pocket (tip: wheel quick releases make good emergency tyre levers at a pinch)
- 30 seconds spent identifying/removing source of puncture (glass/wire/thorn) saves many minutes of rework when you get another puncture a minute later from the bastard wire strand you didnt look hard enough for
- always carry a patch kit (or 1-2 of the self-adhesive sticky instant patches). Two punctures on one ride is rare but it happens and being stranded out of cell coverage then trying to peel off bar tape to seal a puncture is a way to ruin a good ride
- Replace old tyres. There is an exponential growth curve that describes the relationship between tyre age to incidence of punctures. Old tyres are the single most effective way to spend lots of time on the side of the road yelling


The rules for this should have required at least a token check of the inner surface of the tire. Unless you know you got snakebit (puncture caused by hitting a curb with underinflated tires), changing a flat without inspecting the inner surface is a waste of time and tubes.

There should also be a patch kit time trial. I can do it in under 10 mins in real conditions, and I'm sure others can do it in under 5.>> ^Tojja:

- 30 seconds spent identifying/removing source of puncture (glass/wire/thorn) saves many minutes of rework when you get another puncture a minute later from the bastard wire strand you didnt look hard enough for


Man, between age 8 and age 14 or so, I could take my bike apart down to the bolts, and put it back together ready to ride in about 30 mins... and I could change a flat without even thinking about it--my main concern was guilting my parents out of inner-tube money.

But... 45 seconds? Holy carp. That's a seriously fast ride-time change. Props.

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