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blankfistsays...Instant upvote.*books
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Books) - requested by blankfist.
NicoleBeesays...You guys are trying to traumatize me, I swear!
Issykittysays...LOL @ the thumbnail!
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Fear) - requested by Issykitty.
alien_conceptsays...My dad has bigger mits than that, what a tryhard
rasch187says...How do you find these videos, KP? Hmmmm, do I really want to know...
Doc_Msays...A fat man with unoriginal fake "joe-bob" teeth. Unimpressed.
12989says...Wait, hold on a second, so now the lame videos on youtube that many of us try to avoid as much as possible by coming on videosift are being submitted?
I bet you anything that if any other user without a crown or a star would have posted this, it would have never received more than 2 votes.
siftbotsays...Moving this video to kronosposeidon's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
rottenseedsays...hey can't even sing at the same time his mouth moves. What a failure. What a flock of sheeple you have voting for your shit, kronos.
fissionchipssays...I'm sorry, I can't in good conscience upvote or downvote this. My vote is stuck in Sifting pergatory.
my15minutessays...i'm afraid.
berticussays...i'm aroused.
Zifnabsays...lmao, ant upvoted this! Just for that I have to down-vote.
legacy0100says...NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO!! NONO!! NO NO NO!!!!
swampgirlsays...Dag AND Ant voted for this?? I'm in Bizaaro World.
gorillamansays...I abstain. Like Batman, man boobs is just too big.
siftbotsays...Permanently discarding this video - kill requested by submitter kronosposeidon.