MS Surface - Dancing Clicking Magnets

How do they work???

actually that loud click is part of the selling point.

if you watch the CES demonstration one of the new marketing terms is "listen for the click"

the optional touchpad was manufactured to have a very loud click, which according to research they said supposedly gave this satisfying feel when clicked and the loud click was to let you know it's connected and to "show off" to others when they hear your "click"

the click thing is a bit silly though imo.

here is more talk about the patented "click" sound

The extent to which this click was obsessed over during the design process seems like marketing hot air, then insanity, and then after you keep hearing them talk about it, you realize it's just a company truly giving a damn about making something beautiful and nearly perfect.

Surface has an extra, custom-designed hinge devoted solely to create this particular click sound.


They have to focus on great product design and user experience, like Apple does, I think that's more effective for sales than any amount of advertising with people dancing around trying to look cool.

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