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Kucinich Gives Half-Wit Reporter What For.

A ditzy pundit tries to centre the entire interview on Elizebeth Kucinich's tongue ring.... and is promptly put in her place. American commercial TV news is shite.

There is nothing wrong with a little long term thinking Gunrock. Some of our previous efforts in 'regional stability' have resulted in the rise of Saddam and Osama and the deaths of many hundreds of thousands (probably a whole lot more) innocent civilians.

Short term goals are important, but without long term thinking, you get the disastrous FP of Reagan and Bush. (Google Reagan's relationship with Osama and Saddam for anyone in the dark on this.)

As an aside, Republicans are allowed to support world peace too you know. Just because the lefties say potato doesn't mean you have to say paTAHto (or would that be potatoe?).

Faux News has tried to label the left anti-war, but the reality of the matter is that most of us are merely anti-short-sighted-poorly-planned-war.

Revolutionary war? Sure. Civil? Had to do it. WW2? Natch. Vietnam? bzzzt. Nicaragua? No dead nuns for me thank you. Iraq? Not so much. Iran? It couldn't get much more short-sighted-poorly-planned than that.



The cat has her claws out now!

And DFT: No, there is nothing wrong with long term thinking. But there is something wrong with a presidential candidate that says Aliens are going to bring us world peace.


"One more reason not to like Kucinich: "world peace" Quite the lofty goal, no?"

No shit.

I guess you wouldn't approve of that because it wouldn't let you blow shit up any more and pretend you're a real stud.



When Miss America claims the desire for world peace, it is hollow, as Miss America has little power to achieve such things. As part of the US Congress, Kucinich can (and does) actually make a difference. As president (which, like Ron Paul, won't happen) he could make much more.

He is dead on when he talks about the need for effective communication. The clumsy and often willfully offensive attempts at communication by our current government has set us back decades. The immature games we have played in regards to Venezuela and Iran are particularly troubling as it seems we are actively trying to sabotage their efforts to democratize.

Beyond that, have we become so cynical in this country that we can no longer tolerate the mere mention of the word peace without feeling shame?

A lofty goal? Fuck yeah, but if it's not on the to do list, then we'd might as well pack in and go home.


Well it is a morning show. I think as a rule they're supposed to dial the ole IQ down 40 notches. It's a proven fact that in the morning any information less shallow than, how someone is going to deal with being so young and hot, will cause the rapid expansion of most people's head meats, resulting in a headache of massive proportions, or worse explosive head syndrome(EHS). I'm afraid Kucinich's response caused 27 fatalities around the country and thousands to reach for their aspirin bottles.


"Beyond that, have we become so cynical in this country that we can no longer tolerate the mere mention of the word peace without feeling shame?"

It's called being realistic, son.


At least he's not an anti-gay evangelical that hangs out with male prostitutes in the White House and starts wars resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands based on completely false and illogical reasoning.

If you talk to imaginary people and voices in your head, you are considered schizophrenic. If you talk to angels or an imaginary friend named Jesus. Then you are 'blessed' indeed.

If you have a lofty goal to strive for world peace (whether achievable or not), neocons think you are a crackpot. If you have the goal for domineering the world through military power and 'kicking ass', expecting the world to roll over and comply without any retribution... who do you think is more sound of mind?


Why are the right wing so big on marital fidelity and so remiss on not killing people? I just watched Chuck Norris masterpiece "The Octagon." He's really taken this noble savage thing to heart. Too much time with the senseii and not enough with the woman,


Ever heard of political sentimentality? Hitler used it.
German slogan in the 30’s: “Kinder, Küche, Kirche”—roughly meaning “Children, Fireside, Church.”


The logic that concludes that world peace is not realistic is the same that concludes that we need a bigger bombs to keep the peace. It shows a deep misanthropy.


The leaders of the USA have this patronising attitude to the rest of the world. I love my old man. Not afraid of kissing him because he is lovely and human. Question to BillOreilly. How's the relationship with dad? I wonder if Bush and his pa have any love. Prob not. World peace and brotherhood are possible if we allow the wounds to heal. If not then we are ALL F**K*D.


Are you ever going to stop with the personal attacks?

And DFT, I do think that world peace is a great goal, but simply not attainable in four or even eight years. It just sounds much more reasonable for him to say "I want to achieve stability in the warring regions of the world."

And satansmurdring, learn how to use the "edit" button and quit posting 30 comments in a row.


Or maybe "world peace" could be better construed as "a generally more peaceful world." It isn't necessarily an absolute. No one is that naive.

Maybe by ending the occupation of a country that doesn't want to be occupied, the world could become more peaceful. Maybe by engaging in dialog with foreign powers, instead of stand-offs, the world could become more peaceful. Maybe by sending humanitarian forces to Darfur, instead of occupation forces to Iraq, the world could become more peaceful.

I think those who believe that the way the world is today, that this is the way the world has to be... those are the ones who are naive. Bush and the neocons have masterfully engineered the political climate that we live in.

Fear, consumption, greed, self-interest.

Don't agree? Fine, go back to your big-screen and your SUV. Listen to your iPod, talk on your iPhone. Dancing with the Stars in on later, so that should keep you busy for a little while.

Take your soma, put on your color-coded jumpsuit, and get in line.


no, this is the same guy who tentatively admits he saw a UFO. That's not the same thing and you damned well know it. It's a military term, after all.

And if you had listened to the interview without prejudice you would have noticed that him talking about "world peace" was in context of the interviewers question about meeting with world leaders. His answer was pretty much "I will meet with whoever it takes if it means shoring up security and furthering world peace"

So if he had said "screw world leaders! I don't want world peace!" you'd respect him?!


Thylan, a woman working on TV is just as vapid as much of the general populace that watches TV and looks for things she thinks will make people watch.

RE: Aliens. He said he saw a UFO = unidentified flying object (meaning it could have been el presidente pretending to be Super Man or swamp gas). "I saw a UFO" <> "I saw aliens". Kucinich is far from perfect, but he is not the looney that some folks make him out to be. Look for better reasons why he wouldn't make a good president.


OK, ok. He saw a UFO. One that he thought was piloted by aliens. UFO = spaceship and "you damn well know it." And no, it's really not a military term.

I didn't listen to it with any prejudice.
"So you'd meet person to person, back door of the state department?" "Are you kidding? This is about world peace." - Yes his answer was in context of the interviewer's question. That's what answers are supposed to be. But I think it would have sounded a lot less Miss America to say "Are you kidding? This is about bringing peace to warring regions." Much more attainable than a world where there is no murder, famine or crime.

And if he said "Screw world leaders!" I would have been incredibly disgusted.

[Edit] twiddles, we posted at the same time. I don't want him as president for several reasons: 1)He wants to prevent privatization of social security. I don't know about you, but I like to keep as much money as I can, so for me to pay out into that system knowing I'll never get it back ticks me off. 2)He wants to abolish the death penalty. (This will start another debate, I know) But this will save our prison systems hundreds of thousands of dollars and prevent homicidal maniacs from ever getting on the streets again. 3)He wants to legalize gay marriage (another debate) 4)he wants to legalize abortion.

That said, what I do like about him is that 1)He wants out of the NAFTA and WTO, 2)He wants to restore rural communities 3)His pursuit of clean energy, 4)He wants to repeal the Patriot act.

So it's not that only focus on the bad things. But Paul still has my vote.


Yeah, but I don't have to like it, and I still get to sulk that people can be so shit to each other and to pretend that it's uncommon so i don't get depressed.


MGR, that's all you had to say. Much better than just snorting at someone and calling him a freak or naive, wouldn't you say.

When people have genuine reasons for being for or against a candidate I can respect that. This whole thing about world peace is just a red herring.


No, he said he saw a UFO. UFO does not mean aliens. Either way, you don't know how to attack the arguement, so you attack the person. Don't complain about personal attacks since it only shows your double standards.


Clown-cinich is willing to meet with any tyrant whose boots he can lick, but not US troops overseas, because "he doesn't believe in the war".

'Corporate-controlled media' didn't make this guy a hippie fool, that's all on him.


Snowman. Here's what I want you to do. get a clipboard, some paper and a pen.
Go ask 100 people "What does UFO mean to you?" 95 percent of the answers you get will have something to do with aliens. Also, did you not read half of my post? That's all I did was attack the argument!


So far I've yet to hear him personally admit he thinks it was an alien spacecraft. Whether 95% of the people think it means alien or not is just about meaningless, what he believes it means is the important part. Also pardon me for not believing Shirely Maclaine word for word.

Personally even if he thinks he saw aliens that's not a big deal for me. What is a big deal is if he thinks the aliens are giving him directions and he's following them. Be it God or aliens some politicians hear I think their decisions should only be based empirical evidence or at the very least a conclusion that can be reached through a logical argument. So far I've not seen Kucinich say it was aliens or that they were telling him what to do. When I hear him say that I'll gladly put him in the nutter category.


When CNBC attempted political assassination of Kucinch by bringing up the UFO thing at the debates (ignoring him for about 20 minutes prior to that), he replied seeing a UFO and nothing else. The fact that other misinterpret this as "aliens" is their mistake. Kucinich made it clear it just an "unidentified flying object", nothing else.

So people who see UFOs are crazy? I think more people have seen UFos than have seen God. Yet, it ok to see God. Let the Marine take his clipboard and investigate that.


I got about 30sec into this, and I can't bring myself to watch the rest. I don't generally watch network news, and certainly not this sort of soft-news morning show junk... Is it all this nails-on-chalkboard annoying?



Do you have a cite on the UFO thing? A genuine belief (not an off the cuff gaff) in the supernatural would definitely be a mark against DK. With all due respect, you have some supernatural beliefs yourself, don't you?

Glass houses and all.....


A match made @ political motivation station.....
Amazonian Red-Head Brit meets Gnome her dad's age, got nothin' against the pair...but damn, she's got 7 inches on him, and think she'll stick it out past the elections?? If her idyllic quest continues to amuse her, otherwise......I say she's of the Clan H.Mills....

Oh, and they met and decided to get married at Shirley McClaine's house in the land of flakeage, Cali-


I saw a UFO when I was about 7. It was in the sky, and it looked like the top of a banana fattened, with tiny, spindly legs. It was the color of concrete.

Does this make me insane? I definitely saw something, although my brain may have embellished it a little. Why are we even arguing about this? Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO. So did Jimmy Carter. So did Ronald Wilson Reagan. This issue is completely irrelevant to the election.

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