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siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Talks) - requested by ant.
Boise_Libsays...Best Kids React, Ever!
siftbotsays...Boosting this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing - declared quality by Boise_Lib.
EMPIREsays...somehow, I feel the future is in good hands.
GeeSussFreeKsays...>> ^EMPIRE:
somehow, I feel the future is in good hands.
Ya, these kids are learning internet ethics in a way that will always be second hand to us that didn't have it to start. I will be interested to see the morals that evolve from kids of this internet generation, for it will always be just slightly alien to me, adapting my former ways to suit this new beast.
Jinxsays...Ahhh, sweet video.
And yeah, it always kinda surprises me how insightful kids can be.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Tuesday, November 1st, 2011 10:24am PDT - promote requested by LarsaruS.
dystopianfuturetodaysays...I have a feeling that by the very act of asking these questions and giving these kids the opportunity to think critically makes them less likely to bully others in the future. Very inspiring.
GeeSussFreeKsays...>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I have a feeling that by the very act of asking these questions and giving these kids the opportunity to think critically makes them less likely to bully others in the future. Very inspiring.
Ya, I think most kids would have the same basic ideas about bulling as these kids, but when you start to talk about it, your internalize it more than just thinking of it causally. Kind of the same reason non-theists still value meditation, focusing on what you want in life instead of responding to life leaves you in a better spot.
Asmosays...>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I have a feeling that by the very act of asking these questions and giving these kids the opportunity to think critically makes them less likely to bully others in the future. Very inspiring.
Plus they just saw a bully getting FUCKED UP!
Some of those kids are pretty awesome though and a lot more aware than I was at similar ages (a legacy of our modern information society I imagine).
ps. I still entirely support that kid cleaning that other little bastard's clock. You pick on someone, you gamble, and he lost big time. The school should have given the bigger lad a fucking medal and made the other asswipe clean toilets for 21 days rather than sending him on a vacation.
CreamKsays...It's a question of society being the "village", we all need to be parents. These kids look up to us, they trust us completely. It is us who are letting them down by not acting like when we should.
Bullying is a tradition in many of the cases, it starts from home and echoes thru the society, this time where it hurts the most, the kids society; the place that exist to learn the humanrace to get along, to teach social conduct in a safe enviroment, it's a simulation of what life is like.
All the bullies that i had to deal with (different religion was the cause for me) either changed their ways or went to jail. Most of them were 2nd gen bullies and the rest were from rich and middle class families. Just to show that the more disparity in a society, the more sick it gets.
EIT: Oh and the best Kids React to ever. Very good way to bring the feeling back to us grownups of what it was like and how we know how to stop it. We knew then, what's changed?
bcglorfsays...We need to admit the truth to our kids in schools. We need to come to them and say we support an end to bullying, but we lack the ability to do so. We need to tell the kids THEY are the only ones that can stop bullying. We as adults can help them were we are able, but 100% of the time when adults aren't around it is only the kids that are able to stop it. That means recognizing when their own friends are bullying others and confronting them. That means recognizing when a kid you don't know is being bullied and confronting them. We need to tell our kids bullying can't be stopped by us as adults and it is up to them to be the ones coming to the rescue of the victim and confronting anyone else who fails to do so.
Paybacksays...You know, I agree with most of you, but that one 9yrold (0:33) girl is soooo skinny. Most kids are small, but something's not right there. She's skeletal. I don't know, maybe I'm just imagining starvation abuse due to the video being ABOUT abuse, but damn.
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