What does Rove mean by "vote suppression"? He means that Obama convinced people to not vote for Romney. Isn't that called... a political campaign?
from Daily Kos:
The Master of The Math analyzes the election (with my thoughts in parentheses):
1. Fewer whites voted for President Obama than in 2008. (Wait, Karl, I thought you were telling us what went wrong with Mitt?)
2. Obama became first president to be reelected with smaller margin than his previous election. (Except of course for FDR in 1940 and 1944. Which means Obama isn't the first. And besides, he got a higher share of the vote than George W. Bush in 2004.)
3. The only group that gave Democrats more votes than last time were Latinos. (Except also Asian-Americans, which Rove doesn't mention.)
4. Obama only succeeded by "suppressing the vote." How did he suppress the vote? By attacking Mitt Romney. (Apparently, Romney was helpless to respond—which suggests a problem with Mitt Romney, not the Obama campaign.)
5. American Crossroads valiantly tried to defend Mitt Romney, but according to Rove "we don't do defense all that well."
6. Also, Romney was unable to get more votes than John McCain. (Slight dose of reality there from Rove.)
7. Again, Obama has become the first president in history to win reelection with a smaller percentage than his previous election. (Again, bullshit. Plus, winning is winning.)
8. Obama's strategy was cynical because it was designed to disqualify Mitt Romney. (Yeah, sure, unlike lying about John Kerry's record as a war hero.)
9. Republicans have a problem with Latinos. (Hey! Another dose of reality from Rove.)
10. "It's hard to have some Anglo make the argument to a largely Latino community." (Yeah, Latino racism definitely explains why Obama-Biden won such a huge share of the Latino vote despite running against a guy whose dad was born in Mexico.)
11.Republicans elected a black guy from a white district in East Texas so that proves Republicans are a totally diverse party. (And John Boehner's spray tan only adds emphasis to Rove's point.)
With brilliant insight like that, it's hard to understand why Republicans didn't win more elections.
PlayhousePalssays...blah,blah,blah,blahtity blah [retch] =o(
KnivesOutsays...Karl your tears are so delicious, they empower me to be an even BIGGER, insufferably smug, liberal prick.
VoodooVsays...Karl, did you ever consider that Mitt simply IS unlikeable?
nah, you didn't did you.
Even Fox laughed at you when you were crying about Ohio
enochsays...oh this is just too rich.
irony must be lost on this fat fuck.
here we have the architect of a stolen presidential election and the mastermind behind GOP voter suppression crying like the bitch he is.
this man was so good at voter suppression that they STILL use his tactics.
and look at him now...fucking pathetic worm.sold his soul and now his sins have come to roost.
keep crying pasty man....
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Lies, News, Politics) - requested by NetRunner.
DuoJetsays...Karl Rove has to answer a lot of pissed off millionaires and billionaires. All that money on all those Republican candidates and nothing to show for it. Will they take him to court? Is he finished in politics? Will they have him suicided?
Boise_Libsays...>> ^DuoJet:
Karl Rove has to answer a lot of pissed off millionaires and billionaires. All that money on all those Republican candidates and nothing to show for it. Will they take him to court? Is he finished in politics? Will they have him suicided?
Door number three.
nanrodsays...What makes these republican recriminations so sweet is that if the democrats needed any ideas on how to attack Romney they only had to look at Romney's opponents for the Republican nomination. And to Romney's biggest financial backer Sheldon Adelson.
charliemsays...Telling the electorate that romney is only concerned about the rich...is voter suppression?
Thats just telling the truth mate. Realigning disctricts, setting up robo calls to blacks and latinos to say that you can vote by phone or on a diff day, or changing early voting times in majority democratic areas.....THAT is voter suppression....I think your dictionary needs some fixin.
Aspheresays...I don't think Karl understands what "voter suppression" actually is.
jonnysays...How long before a significant majority of FoxNews viewers believe the actual voter suppression tactics used by Republicans in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, etc., were in fact a conspiracy led by Axelrod to suppress republican votes in keys districts?
Oh, and Karl:
(How do we embed video in comments again?)
Fletchsays...Four more years of whining and intractability. It's entertaining watching these blowhards bloviate and rationalize.
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