Kaley Cuoco Bought a Shake Weight!

Kaley Cuoco admitted to Ellen that she recently bought a Shake Weight. She explained why she thought it was a good idea -- and ended up completely embarrassing herself!

>> ^dag:

Yes, this. None of her embarrassing verbal "slips" are actually slips.
>> ^alizarin:
Talk show interviews are less charming when you realize they're scripted

While it is true that most of the questions are known ahead of time, they're not scripted. I suppose a few of them might be. But they're mostly what you might call "structured improv". Both participants know what they are going to talk about, but they don't rehearse. And every once in a while, you'll see a host pull something that the guest wasn't prepared for.

This was obviously pre-arranged, but I don't think "scripted" is the right word. To me, Kaley looked genuinely embarrassed, and maybe a bit unprepared for how impossible it is to talk about the shake weight without inadvertently making sexual puns.


>> ^MaxWilder:

>> ^dag:
Yes, this. None of her embarrassing verbal "slips" are actually slips.
>> ^alizarin:
Talk show interviews are less charming when you realize they're scripted

While it is true that most of the questions are known ahead of time, they're not scripted. I suppose a few of them might be. But they're mostly what you might call "structured improv". Both participants know what they are going to talk about, but they don't rehearse. And every once in a while, you'll see a host pull something that the guest wasn't prepared for.
This was obviously pre-arranged, but I don't think "scripted" is the right word. To me, Kaley looked genuinely embarrassed, and maybe a bit unprepared for how impossible it is to talk about the shake weight without inadvertently making sexual puns.

My vote is for the [planned ahead] theory. I've seen plenty of talk show guests come in with a planned schtick in their head and act out accordingly. So perhaps [scripted] may not be the fitting word in this case since Ellen and the rest of the show crew might not have known about Kaley's little act before hand, but it was 'mapped out' by someone and been executed accordingly nonetheless, hence why I would support the [planned ahead] theory.

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