Julian Assange's lawyer on bullshit charges and Wikileaks

The lawyer for Julian Assange talks about how the alleged democracies like America, UK, France, Australia, are all attacking Wikileaks because they released some embarressing information about the crooked politicians and diplomats.

The politicians keep on telling the little people, "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear." So what are the alleged democracies so afraid of being found out. New World Order bullshit.

When will Interpol arrest the drug dealers, people traffickers, and weapons dealers. Oh, there's no need for that, just go after easy targets to arrest where there is no evidence of anything. This proves Interpol itself is corrupt.

Recorded from BBC's Andrew Marr Show, 05 December 2010.

First of all, I'm all for diverse styles of clothing, but it's hard to take you seriously as a legal representative on national television if particularly your tie and your socks make you look like a clown.

Second, I'm quite baffled at the discrepencies between Assange's lawyer's statements and local news reports. The latter make him seem like a rapist on the run which completely contradicts what was stated in this interview. Naturally, the lawyer is putting a positive spin on the whole situation, positive for his client. Still, I wonder if it's intent, negligence or simply the usual hysteria on part of so many journalists.


I admit that his choice of socks are a bit radical, however what he says is pretty accurate by my news sources (admittedly European, Left centric). When I listen to NPR I find it shocking how inaccurate their reporting is on this topic. I can only imagine what FOX, CBS, ABC, etc are saying.


I'm getting kind of tired of this. I was hoping Wikileaks wouldn't be the end of this leaking idea but the beginning...maybe have some copycats out there start up their owns sites about leaking very specific things. I'm getting sick of hearing about Julian Assange though...I kinda wish Wikileaks would drop him so he wouldn't be such a silly distraction anymore.

Someone get all the former wikileaks employees together and make another leak website please...create more and more, they can't be combated.


Yeah lets ignore corruption and clipping of freedom of speech because the guy defending it has funny colors on his clothes.

Brits arent that focused on trends in looks. They actually still know how to find their own style.
Abd concerning Assange rape accusation: Read the original Swedish news. This whole accusation is exaggerated by foreign media. The fact is, its a very weird law in Sweden and only is about a condom.
Also there have been reports that the 30+ year old women actually looked in the internet for how to screw over famous persons with rape accusations. In Sweden thats extremely easy.

But sure, go ahead and believe the biased mainstream media and thus help in cutting down our all freedom even more.


It's really fucked up because a sock, according to wikipedia, is actually an item of clothing worn on the feet. Now, red socks are from Boston. It's interesting to contemplate the nature of this mans decision to represent red socks. Anyhow, what's important to remember, is that though very few of us would wear red socks with black shoes, we ought to defend to the death this mans right to dress himself.

Still though, that red tie is fucking bullshit.

Also, I think Wikileaks is a pretty cool guy, eh leeks truth and doesnt afraid of anything.


OKAY, elephant in the room... what about this guy's hair?
My theory; plugs taken from an old, curly haired dog. Who would be so vain and callous as to do this to an old, curly haired dog? Opening for discussion...

(About the socks and tie; someone should 'green screen' the red such that they change in style each time the camera switches back to him.)


"The two Swedish women who accuse WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sexual misconduct were at first not seeking to bring charges against him. They just wanted to track him down and persuade him to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, according to several people in contact with his entourage at the time."

(via The Guardian.)


right, so rape charges are bullshit. however, refusing to talk these women after he slept with him about the possiblity that he gave one of them an STD - if thats the actual story - makes him an asshole.

also, so far he's leaked that things don't shock americans. we expect that our military is gunning down civilians, and are rather apathetic to it. we expect to get dicked over financially, and are rather apathetic to it. the embassy cables, while hilarious and ironic, were also not shocking. americans either don't know who robert mugabe is, and if they do, they already knew he was the devil. we suspected that merkel was unimaginative and of course we think the iranian government is pure evil

I've lost faith in Assange. i suspect there is some explosive truth to be told in the files he's using as leverage. Maybe I'm just imagining it and maybe I'm too optimistic about the power of information, but I'm sure theres some pretty explosive stuff about BP and the banks that americans actually do care about right now and truths we deserve to know. But he's holding on to anything consequential to american politics (i'm sure the other stuff effects global politics, but americans dont actually care about that) to save himself. If you want to expose what self-serving, bought pricks america's political and corporate leaders are, and share truths that need to be told, why waste time and clout on embassy cables? Why not expose exactly how oil and banks are fucking us in the ass while giving reach-a-rounds to our politicians?

So, basically, I like leaking information and all that. But I'm pretty sure Assange is an egomaniac.
>> ^notarobot:

"The two Swedish women who accuse WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sexual misconduct were at first not seeking to bring charges against him. They just wanted to track him down and persuade him to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, according to several people in contact with his entourage at the time."
(via The Guardian.)


also, i realize how america-centric my previous comment is. it's not that i think global politics matters, it does. but all this attention has been targeted at the american government, if you want to actually do damage and tell important truths, then embassy cables are NOT going to do it. Embassy cables are like you're just begging people to look at you, not at what you have to say.


Being an asshole isn't criminal. If it was, everyone else you just referenced would also be eligible for arrest.
>> ^peggedbea:

right, so rape charges are bullshit. however, refusing to talk these women after he slept with him about the possiblity that he gave one of them an STD - if thats the actual story - makes him an asshole.
also, so far he's leaked that things don't shock americans. we expect that our military is gunning down civilians, and are rather apathetic to it. we expect to get dicked over financially, and are rather apathetic to it. the embassy cables, while hilarious and ironic, were also not shocking. americans either don't know who robert mugabe is, and if they do, they already knew he was the devil. we suspected that merkel was unimaginative and of course we think the iranian government is pure evil
I've lost faith in Assange. i suspect there is some explosive truth to be told in the files he's using as leverage. Maybe I'm just imagining it and maybe I'm too optimistic about the power of information, but I'm sure theres some pretty explosive stuff about BP and the banks that americans actually do care about right now and truths we deserve to know. But he's holding on to anything consequential to american politics (i'm sure the other stuff effects global politics, but americans dont actually care about that) to save himself. If you want to expose what self-serving, bought pricks america's political and corporate leaders are, and share truths that need to be told, why waste time and clout on embassy cables? Why not expose exactly how oil and banks are fucking us in the ass while giving reach-a-rounds to our politicians?
So, basically, I like leaking information and all that. But I'm pretty sure Assange is an egomaniac.
>> ^notarobot:
"The two Swedish women who accuse WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sexual misconduct were at first not seeking to bring charges against him. They just wanted to track him down and persuade him to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, according to several people in contact with his entourage at the time."
(via The Guardian.)

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