Joe Biden Speech about Trains


Covfefe @bobknight33...covfefe. The oranges of the investigation, oranges....oranges. Munerica.

Such infantile sour grapes, and such stupid edits to try to make Biden sound 1/4 as dumb as Trump's best day....(edit:)and Trump didn't have a speech impediment to excuse it, just a severe mental decline.

Love your snowflake tears, little Bobby. Cry us a river.


BTW, @bobknight33, most presidents would have a non stop schedule of highly paid speaking engagements by now, getting paid hundreds of thousands or more to speak to huge crowds. Not Trump.
So far, Trump spoke at Cpac, it seems unpaid, and what he said was nearly all lies, and no one else wants him to the point where he's now crashing weddings at his properties to have any audience for his whining lies. Hilariously, now he can't get the crowds Biden had during peak Covid when he was "in his basement". LMFAHS!!

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