Jesus was WAY cool

This is the second coming...

Trying this one again, eh? Back in the days of yore when *save was still an invocation I was considering resurrecting this one for you, but I chose to rescue this one instead. Well I hope it succeeds this time around, and when my * promote ability is available again in 29 hours maybe I can give it a little boost.


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Friday, January 18th, 2008 8:09pm PST - promote requested by original submitter rottenseed.

newtboyjokingly says...

I'm as cool as that guy named Jesus....
I can walk on water...when it freezes.
I also let people put my blood inside themselves all the time (I donate).
I've even let women 'eat' my 'body' many times, a good time was had by all.
What's the big deal about this guy?

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