Musical guest Jack White performs a medley of "Ball and Biscuit," “Don’t Hurt Yourself” and "Jesus Is Coming Soon" on Saturday Night Live. -yt

I liked how he tweaked his song lyrics

"The great disease was mighty. People were sick everywhere.
The great disease was mighty. People were sick everywhere.
It was an epidemic
and it travelled through the air."

*promote the best SNL performance i've seen in ages


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Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by original submitter eric3579.


Jack White uses the guitar Eddie Van Halen made for him in this song. You can also spot when Jack does a few seconds of signature Van Halen on the guitar.


I didn't like that one bit - mediocre singing, mediocre playing / solos, awful overly distorted trebly tone...yuck. In my opinion, so much better talent out there, both past and present.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Jack White, Ball and Biscuit, Dont Hurt Yourself, Jesus Is Coming Soon' to 'Jack White, Ball and Biscuit, Dont Hurt Yourself, Jesus Is Coming Soon, snl' - edited by lucky760


"mediocre singing, mediocre playing / solos, awful overly distorted trebly tone"

You need the right bait to attract the fish you want to catch. You're just not the right fish for that bait.

"The song remains the same." - Led Zeppelin


I didn't like that one bit - mediocre singing, mediocre playing / solos, awful overly distorted trebly tone...yuck. In my opinion, so much better talent out there, both past and present.


I usually skip/mute all music performances on SNL, Jack Whites' no exception. But the after-show buzz made me sift it.

Not my type of music, but I do appreciate the lyrics.

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