Is a Grand Jury Now Looking into Trump?

Is a Grand Jury Now Looking into Trump?

Let's hope.
If he and/or his administration are convicted of collusion, do we get to just ignore every bit of legislation he and his administration enacted? That would seem proper.
*promote keeping the investigations moving forward


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It's one thing looking into Trump's campaign team - or other teams associated with him - but it's another thing altogether looking into the man himself. Nothing Olberman said lead me to the latter conclusion.

The idea that there is "a grand jury now looking into Trump", while extremely appealing to me, is a big stretch. Heads might roll, but I'd say any politician in his position would be happy to throw absolutely anyone under that bus to save themselves. I really wish I could say it was just him that would do so.


Think I was just watching a video with good ol' Chompkster on the Sift who was saying that it's meaningless to focus on this topic. Hopefully, we'll get him out of there - but probably not with the Russian ties aspect.


Actually, it's Russian "spy's" and China "ties."


Think I was just watching a video with good ol' Chompkster on the Sift who was saying that it's meaningless to focus on this topic. Hopefully, we'll get him out of there - but probably not with the Russian ties aspect.

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