Iranian Soccer - The Sportsman

A soccer player puts the ball out of play due to an injured goalie.

What's this bullshit! Win! Win! Win!

Play with a cuncussion, play with broken ribs, injure the other team's players and win the game over their prone bodies. Sports build character Dammit. Win at any cost! Get that scholarship, it's your only chance at a future. Get that endorsement deal so you can buy another mansion.

I don't know what they're teaching their kids in other countries but it's obvious this sissy 'sportsmanship' is the reason the US is overlord of the world. We'll have none of THAT, thank you.


odd, I can't see the video.

Won't call it dead, but is anybody else having a problem where it plays for about half a second and then just sits there continuously buffering?

[Edit] Got it to work after clicking on a different time (Bout 10 seconds in)


>> ^TheFreak:
I don't know what they're teaching their kids in other countries but it's obvious this sissy 'sportsmanship' is the reason the US is overlord of the world. We'll have none of THAT, thank you.

Yes our domination in the realm of soccer is completely safe.


>> ^COriolanus:
The culture that brought you Universal Human Rights (in an era where every flea bitten tribe was strutting around calling themselves the "Chosen People"...)

Too bad that civilization is long gone. Well, not necessarily for me, but for them.


I have too many memories of doing this exact same thing, or the equivalent of it in another sport, and had my team hate on me for the rest of my short-lived sports career because of it.

It does make me happy to know there exist other people of like mind. The single-minded obsession of other players is what ruined team sports for me.


This is a perfectly normal and fairly common thing in football/soccer, when a player of the team is injured and on the ground (any player, not just the goalkeeper). Not sure what's special about this video.


>> ^lavoll:
but these people are supposed to be pure evil.. i dont get it

The Iranian people aren't supposed to be evil, it's the theocratic dictatorship busily repressing them that's evil.

Yes, the internet has thoroughly broken my ability to differentiate between sarcasm and snide cheap shots.

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