I recently watched the Netflix documentary, 13th. It was mostly just okay, but this sequence -- which juxtaposes a Trump speech with footage of Civil-Rights-era protesters being abused -- was really powerful.

Self promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, March 16th, 2017 3:00pm PDT - promote requested by original submitter Sarzy.


The good ol days pictured were democrats fucking with blacks.

Seems today Democrats are using blacks as their stoolies to get poked at by Trumpsters.

Either way its democrats using black for their own gain.


political party affiliation makes no difference. Look at these people as humans on both sides it may make more sense.


The good ol days pictured were democrats fucking with blacks.

Seems today Democrats are using blacks as their stoolies to get poked at by Trumpsters.

Either way its democrats using black for their own gain.


The video was implying political alliance of trump were equal to those democrats of the good old days. Nothing can be farther than the truth.


political party affiliation makes no difference. Look at these people as humans on both sides it may make more sense.


The way I saw it was more like the rise of trump has given a certain extreme pocket of Americans the feeling that they are justified in their supremacist beliefs and behavior, much like the ignorance of race wars of the 50's. I agree that not all Trump supporters would condone this, but never the less, those who already believed it, felt confident to express those beliefs while being encouraged by Trump himself.

The reason the video works for me is that Trump is always referring to the 'good 'ol days'. But he ignores the fact that they weren't the 'good 'ol days' for everyone...

I'm sure there are plenty of republicans who would agree with me.


The video was implying political alliance of trump were equal to those democrats of the good old days. Nothing can be farther than the truth.


the rise of kkk, white supremist, antimuslim violence is entirely due to trump the liar and it's on his back; you can be in denial, but most people aren't

Good Republicans would denounce scumbag racists, but trump never does. Good Republicans should demand that trump calls out this behavior, but they don't because now it is the base of the party. Sadly my Fathers party has now become the racist party


The video was implying political alliance of trump were equal to those democrats of the good old days. Nothing can be farther than the truth.

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