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I will promise you this..

It was an unrealistic promise, but damnit - he made it. War is easy to get into, but a hell of a lot harder to get out of. I think -some- small steps have been taken, and that is certainly commendable -- but Guantanamo is still open, the sons and daughters of America still risk their lives day in and day out on foreign soil, and it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon. Something more needs to be done, I think we can all agree on that, at least?

Sure, blame Obama...but remember it's our government not his. It was corrupted by corporate power, bureaucracy, and political divisiveness long before he took office. Jefferson taught us that if you are concerned with the direction of the country, you shout out and DEMAND change. Government OF the people. The tea baggers get this (regardless of merit), but apparently not the silent majority in this country. Perhaps things aren't bad enough yet for everyone to wake up and take back their country.

This does not excuse Obama for anything, but it's clear he's going to do what's pragmatic not what's best. He's going to compromise a lot to get some stuff done. He won't act in our interest unless we compel him and our government to act.


Shame on you all. What Obama is doing there is very selfless, he's proving all politicians are equal - the same filthy, lying bastards .

In all seriousness though, I still like to believe he'll stand by his promises. It's been such a short time, and things that matter inevitably take forever in politics.


We marched into the war. We should march out.

What a great world it would be if the US stopped spreading hegemony and reduced the military to domestic bases only. Sigh. What a world that would be.


It always cracks me to see people wake up to the fact that they've been lied to by a politician. Hello?!? He's a politician. Any sane person knows that all that means is you can't believe a word he/she/it says. End of story. When will people realise this is a universal truth. You can't have one without the other.
Politician = Liar. Move on.


I don't think the * lies invocation is fair. He was likely being truthful, but only naive. My bet is that upon entering office, he was given the information that he was not privy to as a candidate or as anyone of lesser office than that of the presidency. He probably got into the office, got the whole story and said, "dang, I guess we really shouldn't pull out just yet."


Here's Obama making another promise, three days ago.

People are kinda funny about saying Obama lied here. See, this was October 27, 2007. 1 year, 2 months, 24 days before he was sworn in as President.

He hasn't even been President a year yet, and troops are being withdrawn from Iraq.

Was it a lie because they aren't all gone by Thanksgiving of his first year? If they're all pulled out by the end of 2010, was it still a lie? What about 2011?

People seem to have already forgotten that we very nearly had people in charge who wanted to stay for 100 years, or longer.

He wants out of Iraq, and the big news of the last few days is that he's telling the Pentagon to come up with a plan for Afghanistan that has a definite endpoint, rather than a open ended commitment.

If we're not out of Iraq by the next time we get to vote for him, he's going to be in serious trouble. But so far he's on track to have the troops out long before then, so I'm not feeling particularly put out.

Maybe next people will start saying he's totally a liar for having promised he's going to pass health care reform, because god damn it, it's almost Thanksgiving, and it hasn't passed.


He's just talking about Iraq, and less than a year after taking office they're moving out of the country at a steady pace. What more do you want? He's actually keeping a promise. I guess that's just too shocking in the political world for most people to handle.

By the way, he ALWAYS said he'd bolster the presence in Afghanistan. And Gitmo is in the process of closing.

You didn't think all that would happen overnight did you?


Eisenhower, when he was leaving the Presidental office, back in '69 mention this, in his farewell address: (and I think its just as important now, as it was then)

"We face a hostile ideology global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method..." He was refering to the growth of communistic threads, as the Cold War was raging at the time.

In addition, he warned against unjustified goverment spending on proposals with the military in mind:

"we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex... Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Mr. Obama and his team, are going up against one of the most entrenched lobbying groups in America. It holds a virtual strangle hold on America, because, as they argue, without them, the USA, wouldn't exist. As such, we must put hundreds of billions towards the defense and military. The USA, spends $560 billion on its defense & military, far larger then the next largest military spending country in the world, which is Russia & Europe with $320 billion. (source:

Which is kind of amusing, if you think about it. Republicans are/were all angry at the amount of money being spent for Health Care (costing just under $1 trillion over 10 years), but neglect to mention, the first six years of the Iraq war costing the USA Taxpayer $3 trillion dollars.

If Americans want out of the Iraq war, they merely have to contact their elected represenatives, and senators, and say so. Its much easier to complain and do nothing, then to do something about the very reason for the complaining. Until that happens, the USA, will stay in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would imagine, it makes the Iranian military uneased when its leaders talk about blowing up countries and making nuclear technology that is suspected to be for a WMD. Why? The USA has 200,000+ troops on Iran's west and east sides, with deep logistical trains of support, that could unleash HEll, in the event of a military conflict.


People complain about the corporations having too much power. The corporations don't vote, individual people do. The only way the corporations can take power is for people to give it to them. Stop complaining and start doing. The rich few are laughing all the way to our graves while we stand idly by letting them do as they please. The rich few would love for us to believe we cannot change anything, that we have no power. The truth is the few cannot rule over the many unless the many let them.


hey karl...corporations have money money talks...sometimes louder than democracy. Maybe in Sweden where everything is fair and just, the people have the vote, but here in capitalist US, many corporations have their dick-skinners in the democratic pie.


Republicans are/were all angry at the amount of money being spent for Health Care costing just under $1 trillion over 10 years

The health care bill passed by the House costs 1.3 trillion a year - not less than 1 trillion over 10 years. To compare the first 6 years of the Iraq War you would have to say that Health Care costs 7.8 trillion versus the Iraq War costing $3 trillion. IE Health Care (as envisioned by Democrats) costs 2.6 times the Iraq War.

The rich few are laughing all the way to our graves while we stand idly by letting them do as they please

Economic disparity exists in all systems - U.S. or anywhere else. I'm not sure I take your meaning though. What do you mean by 'idly letting them do as they please'? Are you suggesting the forcible alteration of their behavior merely because they have wealth? I have never seen a single government who followed such a path that resulted in the PEOPLE being better off. In all cases, government force as a means of income redistribution results only in an enhanced GOVERNMENT. The people do not benefit. Quite to the contrary.

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