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Husband Shoots Burglar During 911 Call


That fucking operator is an asshole and should be shot. Since when do you have to answer 20 question to get public services for which you pay? Nice job, Leroy, since you can't rely on the fucking PIGS to do anything useful. Everytime I see a pig, I am filled with contempt.


Rotty, the police aren't there to prevent crimes, they just solve them (if they're lucky). And worse, 911 operators aren't police. If you want to prevent a crime, then get a gun.

Definite thumbs-up to Leroy!



I made no mention about preventing crime. It was all about RESPONDING. The 911 operator was totally insensitive at the very least. The fact that 911 operators are not police is irrelavant. Any job has requirements. A 911 operator has a very important job; if a person is not qualified then they should not have the job. But unions and left-wing politics have nullified this logic.

Incidentally, I don't rely on the pigs. Come screwing with me and you'll my buddies Smith, Wesson and Ruger. It's very sad, but as you say, "the police aren't there to prevent crimes". I just wish they had brains.


Rotty, your contempt for police officers is very telling. No doubt there are many awful ones, but without them we'd be totally fucked. I mean, I don't know what kind of Hobbesian state-of-nature wet dream you're living in, but your silly if you think that American policemen do more harm than good.


Wait, what's with the dem/left bashing on this? How does voting republican get 911 operators to respond more effectively? I honestly don't understand the relevance to this particular topic - guess I haven't been privy to some talking point(s).

I know I've heard plenty of stories of tax-cutting republicans (including the gov of my home state) significantly underfunding police, fire, and other public services, but I've never heard similar accusation leveled at dems before. If there is a legitimate trend or history of dems (or left-leaning politicos in general) harming law enforcement I'm curious to hear more about it.

The union argument I could at least partially see though. They do tend to make it difficult to fire people who deserve it, at least in some of them.

I personally am of the opinion that the best, cheapest way to massively improve our police forces in the US would be to end the war on drugs. How many man-hours are put in at *your* local precinct busting non-violent drug offenders? How much less violent crime would there be if drug dealers all became completely irrelevant? Unfortunately, it is still pretty rare to find any politician with actual power talking along these lines. Those that do tend to be labeled as kooks or extremists.

My hope in the case of this video is that the operator requested a car right away, and was just trying to get more information / keep the caller calm and on the line. If not, then that guy probably could use some disciplinary action, if not outright firing.


"I was somewhat certain (but don't quote me on this) that it's legal to shoot someone who is breaking into your house."

I think it depends on the state, but I believe in most places your life has to be in danger before you can shoot. Thus, if the burglar sees you and takes off for the door and you shoot him in the back, you'll go to jail.


That fucking operator is an asshole and should be shot. Since when do you have to answer 20 question to get public services for which you pay?

His job is to get as much information as possible, he then relays this information to the police, its not like he dispatches himself, as such, he did an excellent job as far as I could tell. The caller, who is distressed, probably doesnt understand "why all these stupid questions, just send the police", but of course they get notified once he has the address.


Rotty, I understand your frustration with the 911 operator in this case (even though I don't share it - he has to get information, and he was simply trying to get more information after dispatching the police). But then you started complaining about the "pigs", and I have no idea why you started complaining about the police at that point.

Every policeman I know would love to be able to stop a crime in progress or even before it happens, but those opportunities are very, very few. I know you realize that you need to be able to defend yourself, and hope others realize it as well.


It obvious that the caller was very much distressed. First thing you do is dispatch someone to the location. You don't ask "Do you have any idea who is break in to your back door?" The repeated question about who is there, the address - which is displayed to him as part of the 911 system" Is the back of the house the north part of the house? Do you need an ambulance? I'm not sure this ass is capable of bussing tables.

I grew up around "law enforcemnet" officers and know some now as well. It's amazing to me to see who gets to wear a gun and arbitrate law and justice. If we can mandate performance, educational and intellectual requirements for other professions, then we should do the same for law enforcement. It shouldn't be a haven for the uneducated and unskilled. And spare me the platitudes about how they risk their lives, etc.


Um, they do risk their lives. People say that alot for a reason. Look, I have several friends that are police officers, and while I can say negative things about each one, they are some of the most decent folks I know. Maybe we should both recognize that the sample of cops we've known in our personal lives isn't representative of the population of cops as a whole, and refrain from making dumbfuck generalizations about "pigs."


" Leroy and Family might normally vote democrat, but this time their vote was straight-ticket Republican. Hope the ambulance drivers stopped for pizza on the way.

911: government-sponsored dial-a-prayer."


It's a damn good thing i wasn't drinking anything when i read bbm's comment- i totally would have spit it all over the laptop. lol for real. Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins indeed! An edit is called for!


The 911 operator has already traced the location of the caller if I have to believe several websites on calling 911 and location (some mention the system is not yet implemented throughout the US? What's the latest news on this?). When the caller uses a mobile phone the location is a lot less accurate, since the wireless provider pinpoints the caller's location to the nearest signal tower. In that case the operator will probably immediately ask about the location of the caller.

The operator has to make sure as well that the call is not a prank.

Law in the UK on the use of violence against intruders:


Err.. why again is the 911 operator an "asshole" for attempting to get more information for the police who have already been dispatched? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought how it worked was:

1. send police to address (note at 00:23 he says he's done so)
2. collect additional information
3. convey information to police (who are en route)
4. keep caller on the line until police arrive (1:04 "did you want me to stay on the line until an officer shows up?")
5. police arrive, now armed with lots of additional information that has been gathered by the 911 operator

See, it's called multitasking, and 911 operators are good at it. They can type, talk, and think at the same time. Unlike many other people, apparently.

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