President Biden pardoned Hunter Biden before sentencing.

I hope not, because there are a number of prosecutors that need the same blanket protection from retaliation as Hunter needed, but Jill isn’t their mother.


I think Jill Biden had something to do with this. You know how mothers are.


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Shocker….the only witness in the Hunter Biden house investigation, Russian agent Alexander Smirnov, has pleaded guilty to lying to congress and admitted every word he said about Hunter was a lie and his ”evidence” the Republicans insisted they had personally heard and used as the basis for the investigation in the first place never existed, there were no recordings of phone calls, no witnesses, only a known Russian agent spreading known false Russian propaganda with the fully informed help of Republicans to smear the sitting president and help the weaker candidate.


Pretty hilarious that the released Gaetz report proves he did everything he accused Hunter of doing…like buying guns high on cocaine and not listing his drug use on the form, sex trafficking, constant drug use, statutory rape, and massive obstruction…(the biggest difference being there is a mountain of incontrovertible evidence proving Gaetz’s guilt and only paid criminal Russians lying about Hunter)….and the child drug pusher and child rapist was tapped by the criminal underage drug fueled orgy party for the highest law enforcement position on earth while Hunter is just a citizen with no political aspirations or designs.

Epstein’s partner in crime knew every word of the report when he was nominated to be AG, the felon wanted him BECAUSE he’s a known criminal child rapist….birds of a feather and all.

Kinda funny how they don’t care at all about his much worse proven crimes but were so hyper focused on the much lesser but same unproven accusations against Hunter for 4 full years +….almost like they don’t care about the crime one bit but just need a stick to beat you in the head with.


If Hunter did nothing wrong , why set pardon from 2014 and forward?

You had a president on vacation 40% of the time, napping 60% of the time and someone else running the show 100% of the time.

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