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Dad embarrasses daughter using teen slang

Abby wasn’t very scared by the tazer, so I shifted my approach. I still think I won this interaction, No Cap! -yt

Show up at his work dressed in your absolute sluttiest outfit and makeup looking for Daddy...tell every co worker who you mean, and give him a big sloppy kiss when you find him. Bring the taser, spark it over and over saying you've got a fun toy for later tonight. See who's embarrassed then. Turnabout is absolutely fair play.


This is why you didn't want to chance having kids, isn't it? No, really isn't it? You dog!

Well played.


Show up at his work dressed in your absolute sluttiest outfit and makeup looking for Daddy...tell every co worker who you mean, and give him a big sloppy kiss when you find him. Bring the taser, spark it over and over saying you've got a fun toy for later tonight. See who's embarrassed then. Turnabout is absolutely fair play.


There are so many reasons....but that's on the list, yes.


This is why didn't want to chance having kids, isn't it. No, really isn't it. You dog!

Well played.


So what's the secret to posting a photo in comments? Something I've been wanting to do but thought it wasn't possible here.


And btw, it's Kapp, not cap.

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