How to Crack a Combination Lock.


The thing is, there aren't 40^3 combinations. The markings on the dial are just aesthetic. The locking mechanism only has 10 positions, hence 10^3 combinations. 1-1-20 isnt a combo that this masterlock could have. Also, they have "dummy" notches cut in the drive wheel that this guy's algorithm identifies, they used to not have any dummy notches, just the last digit was the notch btw. This method would absolutely work for any combination that this lock COULD have. Masterlock has addressed this issue in certain new locks, but its a problem that still remains in ALOT of their combo locks.


Man that's a lot of math to deal with. As soon as I get a hold of a math tutor, I'm going to go down to my old junior high and get my old bike off the bike rack since I forgot the combo.


A few questions.

1) Did he screw up at 5:05 and get the wrong remainders? 3 & 4 when it should have been 2 & 3?

2) What is a 'master' lock? Is that a type of lock, or just a manufacturer?

3) What it narrated by Christopher Walken?!


Yes, his math is wrong. The remainder 0,1,2,3 probably maps to 2,3,0,1 (R+2 mod 4) but given that simple math error the rest seems less trustworthy. Also, given that the wheel only has 10 positions, there are 10*10*10 = 1000 possible combinations, not 64000. So this is a method for finding the last digit and the wheel positions, reducing the complexity by a factor of 10 not 640. Still cool though.

BTW Mooseman, mine plays to 6:59 but I downloaded it.


I've read about this before. I have an old Master Lock that this doesn't work on. It only locks on one number. Years ago at my flight school, someone stuck a Master Lock on my flight instructor's locker. I printed out the instructions and we eventually figured it out.

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