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How Not to Feed a Crocodile

(liveleak) Tourist guide almost ends up as croc lunch.

It seems like he's done this before, so maybe they know what unexpected hacks to use to control the crocodile's behavior.

And in case things go wrong, maybe the tour guide has a powerful rifle trained on the croc.

So maybe less risky than it looks.


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Saw on a nature show that crocks are among the stupidest animals, and really easy to dominate on land. You just tap them the top of the end of their snout. This tells them you're bigger than them and they back off. It's easiest done with a stick. This guy could have used his knuckles.>> ^Velocity5:

It seems like he's done this before, so maybe they know what unexpected hacks to use to control the crocodile's behavior.
And in case things go wrong, maybe the tour guide has a powerful rifle trained on the croc.
So maybe less risky than it looks.

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