How I Became an Atheist

43alley, Of the shoddily drawn but funny "An Atheist Reads the Bible" series, explains his journey towards non-belief. Taken from a conversation he once had with a "likable and well-meaning creationist".

When he talks about hell I couldn't help thinking of the Jehovah's Witnesses' view. If you're not in heaven you just don't exist. No hell, just non-existence. Maybe he should have had a JH intermediate stage


I was raised pretty much atheist (in that there was an absence of religion in the household).

I find it very interesting to hear how people raised religious make the journey to atheism.

Is this concept of finding holes in the bible being a "slippery slope" common? I've heard baptist friends use the same phrase.


On a serious note though, my dad left when I was 5.

We went to a plan where my sister and I would go see him every weekend, saturday afternoon-sunday night.

Now, he didn't get much time to see us and he liked to sleep in, so we basically didn't go to church.
From there, my mom raised us on the notion "You don't have to be in church to believe in god." So I was never truly hardcore religious.

Having never really been read anything from the bible, I guess I just decided to start using my own head about how things worked.

The nail in the coffin for me was prettymuch the same as him, one day, I started thinking about the premise of hell.

The point he made was one I was thinking of, If I make it in to heaven, but my family doesn't, I'll be in my own version of hell. Would a kind forgiving god allow that? Would he allow any of his followers/creatures to suffer in the first place?

Then.. What happens if you marry someone when you're in your 20s.. they die in your 30s, and you re-marry when you're in your 40s?

When you get to heaven.. what happens? Bigamy isn't allowed, so do you have to choose? what if you don't want to break one of your wives hearts, do you get kicked out of heaven?

There's just too much that has no answers, and never will.


I just don't believe in hell thats how I deal with it. My view is everyone goes to heaven even Hitler. I mean life to me is messed up enough. So if there is a god there is no way there is a hell. At least in my view thats the way it is.


It was never the concept of Hell I had an issue with... though the image of the Devil ruling over it gave me pause as it was supposedly designed to punish him for his disobedience to God, so clearly from a Biblical point Satan wouldn't rule there and would be tormented just as much as people were. Which sort of tied into my issues with Heaven, which I found to be bigger than issues with Hell. So we suffer on this planet on the promise of better things in the here after... except the here after is praising God 24/7 for all he has done... which was what? Save us from Hell? Something he created. That seemed fucked up. I mean the angles were already there praising god. That is their job more or less. It's not as if they don't have a free will. They obviously can stop any time they want as the Devil was an angel once (according to the Bible he was the most beautiful of all the angels), and took 1/3rd of all heaven with him when he fell. So what would the point of making man be? Lonely? Angels. People to worship him of their own free will? Angels... Plus every turn seems to be God being an egotistical ass... of course the same can be said of all gods, but what positive traits does he or any other god have? He loves us enough to let us suffer here and when we get to be with him, then we get to serve him? That doesn't sound loving to me.

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