A wild scene unfolded Tuesday in Houston when a police officer jumped out of a helicopter to tackle a burglary suspect who had fled into a field.
It all started when Houston cops responded to a call about a burglary. When they arrived at the residence, two suspects drove off and the chase ensued.
A Houston police department helicopter followed one suspect into a field.The suspect was struck by a police car, but that didn't stop him.
Concerned that they would lose him in the field, the helicopter pilots decided to land so Officer Steven Borgstedte could pursue on foot.
The video above, captured by local SkyFOX cameras, shows Borgstedte sprint across the field and tackle the suspect. After a brief struggle, the man was placed in handcuffs with help from other officers.
Borgstedte said he has been patrolling for years, but this is the first time he's ever jumped out of a chopper to make an arrest.
notarobotWhy is it always a black guy that gets to have a cop car run into him and then get tackled?
Digitalfiendsays...I'm all for getting the bad guys but seriously did they need to nearly run the guy over? As for losing him in a field, isn't that what the helicopter is for? A bright red shirt amidst a sea of green is pretty hard to miss from the air, right?
PaybackThe white guys are typically pussies who give up right away.
Why is it always a black guy that gets to have a cop car run into him and then get tackled?
Esoogsays...Oh FFS! You're told to stop...fucking stop! You won't get run over if you're not running. You won't get dealt with if you don't rob someone's house. Bleeding heart BS.
I'm all for getting the bad guys but seriously did they need to nearly run the guy over? As for losing him in a field, isn't that what the helicopter is for? A bright red shirt amidst a sea of green is pretty hard to miss from the air, right?
greatgooglymooglysays...How stupid, if that guy was thinking he could have thrown his shoe into the turbine intake and really fucked that helicopter up. He was as good as caught anyway.
bobr3940I don't think you know the meaning of "run over".
I'm all for getting the bad guys but seriously did they need to nearly run the guy over?
siftbotAdding video to channels (Wheels) - requested by ant.
Digitalfiendsays...Oh calm down. I didn't say criminals don't deserve to be apprehended but police officers do need to maintain a certain level of professionalism. What if that officer had run over that *suspect* and killed him? Oops, no trial for him I guess? I'm certainly not suggesting that the guy fleeing from the cops in this video isn't a criminal but he isn't waving a gun around so ramming him with a car seems a bit heavy handed. The police in other countries can manage to apprehend suspects without going all Dukes of Hazard on them. That's all I'm getting at.
As to your other point, complying with overzealous, trigger-happy police officers doesn't guarantee that you aren't still going to end up with a boot in your face or a bullet in you. There have been enough incidents in the news that support that view. Here is one example.
Anyhow I think the officer unintentionally slid his car into the suspect; he probably only meant to cut him off and didn't anticipate the lack of traction lost on the grass.
Oh FFS! You're told to stop...fucking stop! You won't get run over if you're not running. You won't get dealt with if you don't rob someone's house. Bleeding heart BS.
Digitalfiendsays...The suspect was hit by the front of the cruiser, which caused him to fall while the cruiser continued sliding along side him. Part or all of the suspect could easily have ended up under that rear left wheel. So yeah, nearly run over seems pretty accurate.
I don't think you know the meaning of "run over".
EarthlingThis would be cool if the guy had a football in-hand.
He was jookin pretty good there for a sec.
transmorphersays...Are US cops able to tell the difference between a movie and real life?
dannym3141I love how that pilot sprints in like a 100m Olympian, finally gets the guy on the floor, at which point a fat cop jumps out of his car, waddles over at full speed and puts the boot in!
radxThat stood out to me as well. The suspect wasn't even able to sprint before he was hit by the cruiser, which slowed him down even more. Yet the officer in the cruiser decided to just drive around instead of walking 10m to apprehend the guy.
And when he got out, the first thing he did was kick the suspect in the back.
No, sir, you are not fit to serve as an officer of the law.
I love how that pilot sprints in like a 100m Olympian, finally gets the guy on the floor, at which point a fat cop jumps out of his car, waddles over at full speed and puts the boot in!
kingmobsays...I understand the adrenaline is high...but how many cop cars have to show before you stop running?
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