Honest Government Ad | We're Fucked

The Government made an ad about climate change as we head into the third decade of the 21st century, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

Moving this video to geo321's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.


California is on fire...I mean fine....but it's apparently only because we don't rake the leaves out of our forests, not from desertification in progress.


When did Indonesia annex Australia?

Australia is fine. 50c in the summer, no rain for months, millions of fresh water fish dying, towns running out of water, farms turning into dustbowls. Massive bushfires at the end of winter. No wuckin furries.

Protesting once a year is bound to fix everything...

bobknight33jokingly says...

All the mismanagement of CA forests and still mother nature will right the wrongs of the well intention of liberals.

The environment takes care of itself.

At least you have cleared the forest and can start over.


California is on fire...I mean fine....but it's apparently only because we don't rake the leaves out of our forests, not from desertification in progress.


So, you're ignorant of the fact that most forests, approximately 60% in California, are national/federal forests under federal control, with only about 3% being state controlled? The rest are privately owned.
You're likely also ignorant of the fact that your messiah has cut the already wholly inadequate funding to manage them by around $2 billion per year nation wide, threatening to drop that to zero in California, all the while ignorantly claiming it's the state who is not managing it's responsibilities.
California, conversely, has budgeted >$2 billion to manage state run forest lands.
Requests to the national forestry department for better management of overgrown and unmanaged federal forests have been met with threats from Trump to remove all federal funding.

The nation's forest service is so poorly funded under Trump that they can't even afford a spokesperson to answer those accusations, there's just a recording saying there's no staff due to budget cuts.

So much for the promise to fix the nation's infrastructure.

Side note, Paradise Ca is in conservative Butte county....burned to nothing. ($16.5 billion and 85 deaths) That fire started on federal land.
Redding is in conservative Shasta county, badly damaged (>$21 billion with 8 deaths.) That fire also started on federal lands.
But keep blaming liberals, it's all you're good at. *facepalm


All the mismanagement of CA forests and still mother nature will right the wrongs of the well intention of liberals.

The environment takes care of itself.

At least you have cleared the forest and can start over.


Thank you newt. Can you dwell a little on the importance of the ecosystem of the forest floor also?


So, you're ignorant of the fact that most forests, approximately 60% in California, are national/federal forests under federal control, with only about 3% being state controlled? The rest are privately owned.
You're likely also ignorant of the fact that your messiah has cut the already wholly inadequate funding to manage them by around $2 billion per year nation wide, threatening to drop that to zero in California, all the while ignorantly claiming it's the state who is not managing it's responsibilities.
California, conversely, has budgeted >$2 billion to manage state run forest lands.
Requests to the national forestry department for better management of overgrown and unmanaged federal forests have been met with threats from Trump to remove all federal funding.

The nation's forest service is so poorly funded under Trump that they can't even afford a spokesperson to answer those accusations, there's just a recording saying there's no staff due to budget cuts.

So much for the promise to fix the nation's infrastructure.

Side note, Paradise Ca is in conservative Butte county....burned to nothing. ($16.5 billion and 85 deaths) That fire started on federal land.
Redding is in conservative Shasta county, badly damaged (>$21 billion with 8 deaths.) That fire also started on federal lands.
But keep blaming liberals, it's all you're good at. *facepalm


For newts, it's everything.
Leaf litter, twigs and branches, and downed trees are all imperative for a healthy forest....as is periodic fire in most cases. They are habitat for most forest animals.
They also moderate soil humidity, keeping it from drying out to dust, and return nutrients to the soil for plants to utilize.

Few forests could survive being raked clean, none would remain healthy.


Thank you newt. Can you dwell a little on the importance of the ecosystem of the forest floor also?


Thanks newt. I couldn't have said it better. Check is in the mail.


For newts, it's everything.
Leaf litter, twigs and branches, and downed trees are all imperative for a healthy forest....as is periodic fire in most cases. They are habitat for most forest animals.
They also moderate soil humidity, keeping it from drying out to dust, and return nutrients to the soil for plants to utilize.

Few forests could survive being raked clean, none would remain healthy.

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